This is my 2001 sightings list to remind me when I saw things, and to provide a some sort of reference now that I cannot keep up with the amount of birding I do. Previous files include those for 2000 and 1980-1999 (mostly 1999). Only "significant" sightings are recorded here. [USA] denotes birds that are new for my USA list, but exist already on my World list. [*] indicates a world lifer.
2001 turned out to be some sort of Big Year, in the sense that I both saw 453 species and also saw more than 90% of my USA list (501) in one year. This is more to do with how much cash and time I threw at targeted birding than anything else, but still it was fun. It's also ironic that my 2001 year list significantly exceeds what my USA life list was at the end of 2000.
End 1997 | ? | USA list 146 | World list 407 |
End 1998 | ? | USA list 240 | World list 480 |
End 1999 | Year list 317 species | USA list 343 | World list 563 |
End 2000 | Year list 346 species | USA list 418 | World list 636 |
End 2001 | Year list 453 species | USA list 501 | World list 717 |
What | When | Where, etc |
Red-tailed Hawk | Jan 1st 2001 | Central Park |
Am. Goldfinch, House Finch | Jan 1st 2001 | Central Park |
Dark-eyed Junco | Jan 1st 2001 | Central Park |
White-thr Sparrow | Jan 1st 2001 | Central Park |
Downy, Red-bellied Woodpecker | Jan 1st 2001 | Central Park |
Hooded Merganser | Jan 1st 2001 | Central Park |
Gray Catbird | Jan 6th 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Northern Harrier | Jan 6th 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
American Kestrel | Jan 6th 2001 | Amagansett, LI |
Common, King Eider | Jan 6th 2001 | Montauk Point |
Common Loon, Red-necked Grebe | Jan 6th 2001 | Montauk Point |
Long-tailed Duck | Jan 6th 2001 | Montauk Point |
Red-breasted Merganser | Jan 6th 2001 | Montauk Point |
Razorbill | Jan 6th 2001 | Montauk Point |
Black, White-winged, Surf Scoter | Jan 6th 2001 | Montauk Point |
Common Merganser | Jan 6th 2001 | Hook Pond |
Tundra, Mute Swan | Jan 6th 2001 | Hook Pond |
Peregrine | Jan 7th 2001 | New York Hospital |
Bald Eagle (many) | Jan 14th 2001 | Delaware River (NY/PA) |
Cedar Waxwing | Jan 14th 2001 | Delaware River (NY/PA) |
Common Merganser | Jan 14th 2001 | Delaware River (NY/PA) |
Wood Duck | Jan 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Green-winged Teal | Jan 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Hooded Merganser | Jan 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina Wren | Jan 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Jan 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Golden-crowned Kinglet | Jan 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Wood Duck | Jan 22nd 2001 | Central Park |
Green-winged Teal | Jan 22nd 2001 | Central Park |
Common Merganser | Jan 22nd 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina Wren | Jan 22nd 2001 | Central Park |
Gtr White-fr Goose (feral?) | Jan 26th 2001 | Linden, NJ |
Common Goldeneye | Jan 26th 2001 | Sandy Hook, NJ |
Long-tailed Duck | Jan 26th 2001 | Sandy Hook, NJ |
Greater Scaup | Jan 26th 2001 | Sandy Hook, NJ |
Cedar Waxwing, Horned Lark | Jan 26th 2001 | Sandy Hook, NJ |
Horned Grebe, Red-thrtd Loon | Jan 26th 2001 | Sandy Hook, NJ |
Iceland Gull | Jan 26th 2001 | Florence, NJ |
Lesser Black-backed Gull | Jan 26th 2001 | Florence, NJ |
Snowy Owl | Jan 28th 2001 [*] | Liberty State Park, NJ |
Ring-necked Pheasant | Jan 28th 2001 | Liberty State Park, NJ |
Rough-legged Hawk | Jan 28th 2001 | Jake's Landing, NJ |
Bald Eagle | Jan 28th 2001 | Manahawkin WMA, NJ |
White-winged Crossbill | Feb 3rd 2001 [*] | Bloomingdale Bog, NY |
Northern Hawk-Owl | Feb 3rd 2001 [*] | Bloomingdale Bog, NY |
Pine Siskin | Feb 3rd 2001 | Bloomingdale Bog, NY |
Black-capped Chickadee | Feb 3rd 2001 | Bloomingdale Bog, NY |
Red-breasted Nuthatch | Feb 3rd 2001 | Bloomingdale Bog, NY |
Evening Grosbeak | Feb 4th 2001 [*] | Bloomingdale Bog, NY |
Common Raven | Feb 4th 2001 | Bloomingdale Bog, NY |
Pine Siskin | Feb 4th 2001 | Bloomingdale Bog, NY |
White-winged Crossbill | Feb 4th 2001 [*] | Bloomingdale Bog, NY |
Purple Finch | Feb 4th 2001 | Bloomingdale Bog, NY |
Northern Hawk-Owl | Feb 4th 2001 | Bloomingdale Bog, NY |
Gray Jay | Feb 4th 2001 | Bloomingdale Bog, NY |
American Tree Sparrow | Feb 18th 2001 | Liberty State Park, NJ |
Ring-necked Pheasant | Feb 18th 2001 | Liberty State Park, NJ |
Horned Lark | Feb 18th 2001 | Liberty State Park, NJ |
Harlequin Duck | Feb 18th 2001 | Barnegat Inlet |
Purple Sandpiper | Feb 18th 2001 | Barnegat Inlet |
Dunlin, Sanderling | Feb 18th 2001 | Barnegat Inlet |
Ruddy Turnstone | Feb 18th 2001 | Barnegat Inlet |
Horned Lark | Feb 18th 2001 | Barnegat Inlet |
Northern Harrier | Feb 18th 2001 | Barnegat Inlet |
Eurasian Wigeon (male) | Feb 18th 2001 | Brigantine NWR |
Great Egret | Feb 18th 2001 | Brigantine NWR |
Black Duck, Mallard, Gadwall | Feb 18th 2001 | Brigantine NWR |
American Wigeon | Feb 18th 2001 | Brigantine NWR |
Northern Harrier | Feb 18th 2001 | Brigantine NWR |
Northern Flicker | Feb 18th 2001 | Brigantine NWR |
Belted Kingfisher | Feb 18th 2001 | Brigantine NWR |
Barrow's, Common Goldeneye | Feb 23rd 2001 | Sandy Hook, NJ |
Great Cormorant | Feb 23rd 2001 | Sandy Hook, NJ |
Cedar Waxwing | Feb 23rd 2001 | Sandy Hook, NJ |
American Oystercatcher | Feb 23rd 2001 | Barnegat Inlet, NJ |
Purple Sandpiper | Feb 23rd 2001 | Barnegat Inlet, NJ |
Dunlin, Sanderling | Feb 23rd 2001 | Barnegat Inlet, NJ |
Harlequin, Long-tailed Duck | Feb 23rd 2001 | Barnegat Inlet, NJ |
Snow Bunting, Horned Lark | Feb 23rd 2001 | Barnegat Inlet, NJ |
Sandhill Crane | Feb 23rd 2001 | Hamilton Sq, NJ |
Merlin | Feb 23rd 2001 | Florence, NJ |
Lesser Black-backed Gull | Feb 23rd 2001 | Florence, NJ |
Redhead | Feb 24th 2001 | Hempstead State Park, NY |
Hooded, Common Merganser | Feb 24th 2001 | Hempstead State Park, NY |
Bonaparte's, Black-headed Gull | Feb 24th 2001 | Point Lookout, NY |
Northern Gannet | Feb 24th 2001 | Point Lookout, NY |
Black-bellied Plover | Feb 24th 2001 | Jones Beach, NY |
Red Knot | Feb 24th 2001 | Jones Beach, NY |
Snow Goose | Feb 24th 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR, NY |
Eastern Bluebird | March 3rd 2001 | Walkill NWR, NY |
American Woodcock | March 3rd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR, NY |
Red-cockaded Woodpecker | March 9th 2001 [*] | Apalachicola Natl Forest, FL |
Red-shouldered Hawk | March 9th 2001 | Apalachicola Natl Forest, FL |
Eastern Meadowlark | March 9th 2001 | Apalachicola Natl Forest, FL |
Brown-headed Nuthatch | March 9th 2001 | Apalachicola Natl Forest, FL |
Purple Martin | March 9th 2001 | Apalachicola Natl Forest, FL |
Pine Warbler, Palm Warbler | March 9th 2001 | Apalachicola Natl Forest, FL |
Chipping Sparrow | March 9th 2001 | Apalachicola Natl Forest, FL |
Pileated Woodpecker | March 9th 2001 | Apalachicola Natl Forest, FL |
Black-and-white Warbler | March 9th 2001 | Apalachicola Natl Forest, FL |
Northern Parula, C. Yellowthroat | March 9th 2001 | Apalachicola Natl Forest, FL |
Blue-headed Vireo | March 9th 2001 | Apalachicola Natl Forest, FL |
House Wren | March 9th 2001 | Apalachicola Natl Forest, FL |
Eastern Bluebird | March 9th 2001 | Apalachicola Natl Forest, FL |
Snowy, Great Egret | March 9th 2001 | St Marks NWR, FL |
Gt. Blue, Tricolored Heron | March 9th 2001 | St Marks NWR, FL |
Lt. Blue, BC Night Heron | March 9th 2001 | St Marks NWR, FL |
Glossy, White Ibis | March 9th 2001 | St Marks NWR, FL |
Merlin, Bald Eagle | March 9th 2001 | St Marks NWR, FL |
Lesser Scaup, Blue-winged Teal | March 9th 2001 | St Marks NWR, FL |
Green-winged Teal, Gadwall | March 9th 2001 | St Marks NWR, FL |
Song, Savannah Sparrow | March 9th 2001 | St Marks NWR, FL |
Swamp, White-crowned Sparrow | March 9th 2001 | St Marks NWR, FL |
Common Moorhen | March 9th 2001 | St Marks NWR, FL |
Whimbrel, Willet | March 9th 2001 | St Marks NWR, FL |
Marbled Godwit | March 9th 2001 | St Marks NWR, FL |
Bald Eagle | March 15th 2001 | Delaware/Rt.17, NY |
Brown Creeper | March 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Fox Sparrow | March 20th 2001 | Central Park |
American Kestrel | March 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Hooded Merganser | March 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Creeper | March 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Fox Sparrow | March 24th 2001 | Central Park |
American Kestrel | March 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Brown-headed Cowbird | March 25th 2001 | Great Swamp NWR, NJ |
Tree Swallow | March 25th 2001 | Great Swamp NWR, NJ |
Eastern Phoebe | March 25th 2001 | Great Swamp NWR, NJ |
Mallard, Black Duck | March 25th 2001 | Great Swamp NWR, NJ |
GW Teal, Pintail, Am. Wigeon | March 25th 2001 | Great Swamp NWR, NJ |
Short-eared Owl | March 25th 2001 | Neshanic, NJ |
Eastern Meadowlark | March 25th 2001 | Neshanic, NJ |
Northern Harrier | April 4th 2001 | Neshanic, NJ |
Great Egret | April 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-crowned Night Heron | April 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | April 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Phoebe | April 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Creeper | April 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Golden-crowned Kinglet | April 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | April 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Hermit Thrush | April 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | April 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Pine Warbler | April 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Fox Sparrow | April 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Texas/Arizona Trip to be Inserted | ||
Black-and-White Warbler | April 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | April 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Hooded Warbler (male) | April 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Waterthrush | April 24th 2001 | Central Park |
House, Winter Wren | April 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Hermit, Wood Thrush | April 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | April 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | April 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped, Yellow Warblers | April 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-White Warbler | April 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Winter Wren | April 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | April 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Hermit Thrush | April 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Chimney Swift | April 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | April 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | April 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula, Palm Warbler | April 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped, Prairie Warblers | April 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-headed, White-eyed Vireos | April 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Waterthrush | April 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Louisiana Waterthrush | April 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | April 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Blackburnian Warbler | April 29th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | April 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Pine, Black-thr Green Warblers | April 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped, Yellow Warblers | April 29th 2001 | Central Park |
B+W Warbler, Nrthrn Waterthrush | April 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Palm, Worm-eating Warblers | April 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-headed, White-eyed Vireo | April 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Warbling Vireo | April 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | April 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Thrasher | April 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Hermit Thrush | April 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | April 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Chipping Sparrow | April 29th 2001 | Central Park |
White-breasted Nuthatch | April 30th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-winged Warbler | April 30th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | April 30th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | April 30th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped, Yellow Warblers | April 30th 2001 | Central Park |
B+W Warbler, Nrthrn Waterthrush | April 30th 2001 | Central Park |
Palm, Nashville Warblers | April 30th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-headed, Warbling Vireos | April 30th 2001 | Central Park |
Hermit Thrush | April 30th 2001 | Central Park |
Swamp Sparrow | April 30th 2001 | Central Park |
Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow | April 30th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-winged Warbler | May 1st 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | May 1st 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 1st 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | May 1st 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 1st 2001 | Central Park |
Black and White Warbler | May 1st 2001 | Central Park |
Palm, Nashville Warblers | May 1st 2001 | Central Park |
Worm-eating, Magnolia Warblers | May 1st 2001 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | May 1st 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | May 1st 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | May 1st 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-headed, Warbling Vireos | May 1st 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | May 1st 2001 | Central Park |
Baltimore Oriole, Scarlet Tanager | May 1st 2001 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | May 1st 2001 | Central Park |
Hermit, Wood Thrush | May 1st 2001 | Central Park |
Veery | May 1st 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | May 1st 2001 | Central Park |
Swamp Sparrow | May 1st 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-winged Warbler | May 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Black and White Warbler | May 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow, Magnolia Warblers | May 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | May 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | May 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | May 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
White-eyed Vireo | May 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Orchard, Baltimore Orioles | May 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | May 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Veery, Wood Thrush | May 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Swamp Sparrow | May 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Great Horned Owl | May 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | May 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | May 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Nashville Warbler | May 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Prairie, Palm Warblers | May 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Black and White Warbler | May 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow, Magnolia Warblers | May 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | May 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | May 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | May 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Baltimore Orioles | May 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Veery, Wood and Hermit Thrushes | May 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Swamp Sparrow | May 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Savannah Sparrow | May 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 4th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | May 4th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 4th 2001 | Central Park |
Canada Warbler | May 4th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | May 4th 2001 | Central Park |
Black and White Warbler | May 4th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | May 4th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | May 4th 2001 | Central Park |
White-eyed Vireo | May 4th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed, Blue-headed Vireos | May 4th 2001 | Central Park |
Baltimore Oriole | May 4th 2001 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | May 4th 2001 | Central Park |
Veery, Hermit Thrush | May 4th 2001 | Central Park |
Swamp Sparrow | May 4th 2001 | Central Park |
Solitary, Spotted Sandpipers | May 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Veery, Wood Thrush | May 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Swainson's, Hermit Thrushes | May 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | May 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-headed, Red-eyed Vireos | May 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-White Warbler | May 5th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | May 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Worm-eating, Blue-winged Warblers | May 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | May 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Wilson's, Chestnut-sided Warblers | May 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Magnolia, Cape May Warblers | May 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | May 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Blackpoll Warbler | May 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | May 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | May 5th 2001 | Central Park |
White-crowned Sparrow | May 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Swamp Sparrow | May 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | May 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Baltimore Oriole | May 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | May 6th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | May 6th 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Thrasher | May 6th 2001 | Central Park |
Veery, Hermit and Wood Thrushes | May 6th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-headed, Red-eyed Vireos | May 6th 2001 | Central Park |
Blackpoll, Black+White Warblers | May 6th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | May 6th 2001 | Central Park |
Nashville, Magnolia Warblers | May 6th 2001 | Central Park |
Golden-winged Warbler | May 6th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | May 6th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 6th 2001 | Central Park |
Blk-thr Green, Blk-thr Blue Warblers | May 6th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | May 6th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | May 6th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | May 6th 2001 | Central Park |
White-crowned, Field Sparrow | May 6th 2001 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | May 6th 2001 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager | May 6th 2001 | Central Park |
Orchard Oriole | May 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | May 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Hermit and Wood Thrushes | May 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | May 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Blackpoll, Black+White Warblers | May 7th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | May 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Nashville, Magnolia Warblers | May 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | May 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | May 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Canada, Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Wilson's, Blk-thr Blue Warbler | May 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | May 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | May 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | May 7th 2001 | Central Park |
White-crowned Sparrow | May 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Solitary Sandpiper | May 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Warbling Vireo | May 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Great-crested Flycatcher | May 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Kingbird | May 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Veery, Wood Thrush | May 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-White Warbler | May 8th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | May 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Magnolia, Nashville Warblers | May 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | May 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Bay-breasted, Blackpoll Warbler | May 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | May 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | May 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | May 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-h, Red-eyed, Warbling Vireo | May 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Kingbird | May 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Veery, Hermit and Wood Thrushes | May 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | May 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-White Warbler | May 9th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | May 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Nashville Warbler | May 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | May 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | May 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Magnolia, Yellow-rumped Warblers | May 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | May 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Blackburnian Warbler | May 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Worm-eating Warbler | May 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | May 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | May 9th 2001 | Central Park |
White-crowned Sparrow | May 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Field, Swamp Sparrow | May 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Baltimore Oriole | May 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Warbling, Red-eyed Vireos | May 10th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | May 10th 2001 | Central Park |
Veery | May 10th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | May 10th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow, Magnolia Warblers | May 10th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 10th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped, Cape May Warblers | May 10th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | May 10th 2001 | Central Park |
Blackburnian, Blackpoll Warblers | May 10th 2001 | Central Park |
Canada, Bay-breasted Warblers | May 10th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | May 10th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | May 10th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | May 10th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | May 10th 2001 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager | May 10th 2001 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | May 10th 2001 | Central Park |
Indigo Bunting | May 10th 2001 | Central Park |
Baltimore Oriole | May 10th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-billed Cuckoo | May 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-headed, Warbling, Red-eyed Vireos | May 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | May 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Veery, Swainson's & Wood Thrushes | May 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | May 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow, Chestnut-sided Warblers | May 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Magnolia, Cape May Warblers | May 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | May 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Blackburnian, Bay-breasted Warblers | May 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Blackpoll Warbler | May 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | May 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Canada Warbler, American Redstart | May 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | May 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | May 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager | May 11th 2001 | Central Park |
White-crowned Sparrow | May 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Swamp, Lincoln's Sparrow | May 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | May 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Indigo Bunting | May 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Great Crested Flycatcher | May 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | May 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | May 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Veery, Swainson's, Wood Thrushes | May 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Nashville, Yellow Warblers | May 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | May 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | May 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Magnolia, Cape May Warblers | May 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | May 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Bay-breasted, Blackpoll Warblers | May 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | May 16th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | May 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | May 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | May 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager, Eastern Towhee | May 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | May 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Indigo Bunting | May 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Olive-sided Flycatcher | May 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed, White-eyed Vireos | May 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Veery, Swainson's & Wood Thrushes | May 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Nashville, Yellow-rumped Warblers | May 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | May 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | May 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Magnolia, Cape May Warblers | May 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | May 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Bay-breasted, Blackpoll Warblers | May 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | May 17th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | May 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | May 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Wilson's, Canada Warbler | May 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | May 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager, Eastern Towhee | May 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | May 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | May 17th 2001 | Central Park |
House Wren | May 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | May 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Veery, Swainson's Thrush | May 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | May 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided | May 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped, Magnolia Warblers | May 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | May 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Blackpoll, Canada Warblers | May 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | May 18th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | May 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | May 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | May 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager | May 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | May 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | May 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | May 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Veery, Swainson's Thrush | May 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | May 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided, Nashville Warblers | May 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Cape May, Magnolia Warblers | May 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-White Warbler | May 19th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | May 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | May 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Bay-breasted, Blackpoll Warblers | May 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Canada, Wilson's Warblers | May 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | May 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | May 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager | May 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee, Swamp Sparrow | May 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | May 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | May 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Veery, Swainson's Thrush | May 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Tennessee, Nashville Warblers | May 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | May 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | May 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-White Warbler | May 20th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | May 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Blackburnian, Canada Warblers | May 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | May 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Blackpoll, Yellow Warblers | May 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | May 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager | May 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | May 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Empidonax sp. | May 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-headed, Warbling Vireos | May 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | May 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Gray-cheeked, Swainson's Thrushes | May 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Hermit, Wood Thrushes | May 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Nashville, Magnolia Warblers | May 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | May 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped, Blackpoll Warblers | May 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | May 21st 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | May 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | May 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Wilson's, Canada Warblers | May 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | May 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager | May 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | May 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Wood Pewee | May 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | May 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Swainson's Thrush | May 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | May 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Magnolia, Black-and-White Warblers | May 27th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | May 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Blackburnian, Blackpoll Warblers | May 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | May 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | May 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Canada Warbler | May 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | May 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | May 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-throated Loon | May 27th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Surf Scoter, Long-tailed Duck | May 27th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Osprey | May 27th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Black-bellied Plover | May 27th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Piping, Semipalmated Plovers | May 27th 2001 | Jones Beach |
American Oystercatcher | May 27th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Willet | May 27th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Greater Yellowlegs | May 27th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Spotted Sandpiper | May 27th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Ruddy Turnstone | May 27th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Red Knot, Sanderling, Dunlin | May 27th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Semipalmated Sandpiper | May 27th 2001 | Jones Beach |
White-rumped Sandpiper | May 27th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Short-billed Dowitcher | May 27th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Common, Forster's, Least Terns | May 27th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Black Tern | May 27th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Black Skimmer | May 27th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Magnolia, Blackpoll Warblers | May 27th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Eastern Towhee, Indigo Bunting | May 27th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Great-crested Flycatcher | May 28th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Wood Pewee | May 28th 2001 | Central Park |
Acadian Flycatcher (heard) | May 28th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed, Warbling Vireos | May 28th 2001 | Central Park |
Gray-cheeked, Swainson's Thrushes | May 28th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped, Blackpoll Warblers | May 28th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | May 28th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | May 28th 2001 | Central Park |
Canada Warbler | May 28th 2001 | Central Park |
Mourning Warbler (male) | May 28th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | May 28th 2001 | Central Park |
Great-crested Flycatcher | May 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed, Warbling Vireos | May 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Gray-cheeked, Swainson's Thrushes | May 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Magnolia, Blackpoll Warblers | May 29th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | May 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | May 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Canada Warbler | May 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | May 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Olive-sided Flycatcher | May 31st 2001 | Central Park |
Warbling Vireo | May 31st 2001 | Central Park |
Gray-cheeked Thrush | May 31st 2001 | Central Park |
Magnolia, Blackpoll Warblers | May 31st 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 31st 2001 | Central Park |
Willow Flycatcher | June 14th 2001 | Hoffman Park, NJ |
Cedar Waxwing | June 14th 2001 | Hoffman Park, NJ |
Field, Chipping Sparrows | June 14th 2001 | Hoffman Park, NJ |
Grasshopper Sparrow | June 14th 2001 | Hoffman Park, NJ |
Bobolink | June 14th 2001 | Hoffman Park, NJ |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird | June 14th 2001 | Bull's Island, NJ |
Acadian Flycatcher | June 14th 2001 | Bull's Island, NJ |
Eastern Wood-Pewee (heard) | June 14th 2001 | Bull's Island, NJ |
Great-crested Flycatcher (h) | June 14th 2001 | Bull's Island, NJ |
Cliff Swallow | June 14th 2001 | Bull's Island, NJ |
Carolina Chickadee | June 14th 2001 | Bull's Island, NJ |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | June 14th 2001 | Bull's Island, NJ |
Veery, Wood Thrush (heard) | June 14th 2001 | Bull's Island, NJ |
Cedar Waxwing | June 14th 2001 | Bull's Island, NJ |
American Redstart, Ovenbird (h) | June 14th 2001 | Bull's Island, NJ |
Yellow-throated Warbler | June 14th 2001 | Bull's Island, NJ |
Cerulean Warbler | June 14th 2001 | Bull's Island, NJ |
Turkey | June 15th 2001 | Great Swamp NWR |
Willow Flycatcher | June 15th 2001 | Great Swamp NWR |
Eastern Wood-Pewee (heard) | June 15th 2001 | Great Swamp NWR |
Eastern Phoebe | June 15th 2001 | Great Swamp NWR |
Veery, Wood Thrush | June 15th 2001 | Great Swamp NWR |
Eastern Bluebird | June 15th 2001 | Great Swamp NWR |
Cedar Waxwing | June 15th 2001 | Great Swamp NWR |
Scarlet Tanager | June 15th 2001 | Great Swamp NWR |
Eastern Towhee | June 15th 2001 | Great Swamp NWR |
Swamp, Chipping Sparrow | June 15th 2001 | Great Swamp NWR |
Snowy, Cattle, Great Egrets | June 15th 2001 | Brigantine NWR |
Great Blue Heron | June 15th 2001 | Brigantine NWR |
Black-crowned Night Heron | June 15th 2001 | Brigantine NWR |
Glossy Ibis | June 15th 2001 | Brigantine NWR |
Forster's Tern, Black Skimmer | June 15th 2001 | Brigantine NWR |
Bank, Tree, Barn Swallows | June 15th 2001 | Brigantine NWR |
Marsh Wren | June 15th 2001 | Brigantine NWR |
Seaside Sparrow | June 15th 2001 | Brigantine NWR |
Boat-tailed Grackle | June 15th 2001 | Brigantine NWR |
Willow, Least Flycatchers | June 16th 2001 | Bashakill WMA |
Eastern Wood-Pewee (heard) | June 16th 2001 | Bashakill WMA |
Great-crested Flycatcher | June 16th 2001 | Bashakill WMA |
Yellow-throated Vireo | June 16th 2001 | Bashakill WMA |
Eastern Bluebird | June 16th 2001 | Bashakill WMA |
American Redstart | June 16th 2001 | Bashakill WMA |
Ovenbird (heard) | June 16th 2001 | Bashakill WMA |
Swamp Sparrow | June 16th 2001 | Bashakill WMA |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | June 16th 2001 | Clinton Rd, NJ |
Indigo Bunting | June 16th 2001 | Clinton Rd, NJ |
Merlin | June 30th 2001 | Whiteface Mt, NY |
Dark-eyed Junco | June 30th 2001 | Whiteface Mt, NY |
Boreal Chickadee | June 30th 2001 [*] | Bloomingdale Bog, NY |
Nashville Warbler | June 30th 2001 | Bloomingdale Bog, NY |
Green Heron, Great Egret | July 6th 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina Wren | July 6th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | July 6th 2001 | Central Park |
Henslow's Sparrow | July 7th 2001 [*] | Willow Wood Arboretum, NJ |
Pileated Woodpecker | July 7th 2001 | Willow Wood Arboretum, NJ |
Indigo Bunting | July 7th 2001 | Willow Wood Arboretum, NJ |
Field, Song, Chipping Sparrows | July 7th 2001 | Willow Wood Arboretum, NJ |
CA Sightings in here | July 20-30th 2001 | LA area |
Northern Flicker | August 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | August 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-winged Warbler | August 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | August 17th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | August 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Waterthrush | August 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Canada Warbler | August 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Glossy Ibis | August 18th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Gadwall | August 18th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Blue-winged, Green-winged Teal | August 18th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Merlin | August 18th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Black-bellied Plover | August 18th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Semipalmated Plover | August 18th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
American Oystercatcher | August 18th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
American Avocet | August 18th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Greater, Lesser Yellowlegs | August 18th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Hudsonian Godwit | August 18th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Ruddy Turnstone, Sanderling | August 18th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Semipalmated, Least Sandpipers | August 18th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
White-rumped Sandpiper | August 18th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Pectoral Sandpiper | August 18th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Short-billed Dowitcher | August 18th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Stilt Sandpiper | August 18th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Wilson's Phalarope | August 18th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Forster's, Gull-billed Terns | August 18th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Brown Thrasher, Eastern Towhee | August 18th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Great-crested Flycatcher | August 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | August 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | August 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-winged Warbler | August 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | August 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | August 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow, Canada Warblers | August 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Worm-eating Warbler | August 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern, Louisiana Waterthrush | August 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird | August 19th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | August 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | August 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow, Canada Warblers | August 21st 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | August 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Waterthrush | August 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird | August 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-billed Cuckoo | August 22nd 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | August 22nd 2001 | Central Park |
Wood Thrush | August 22nd 2001 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | August 22nd 2001 | Central Park |
Canada, Magnolia Warbler | August 22nd 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | August 22nd 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | August 22nd 2001 | Central Park |
Blackburnian Warbler | August 22nd 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | August 22nd 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | August 22nd 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Waterthrush | August 22nd 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | August 22nd 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Wood-Pewee | August 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina Wren (heard) | August 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Swainson's, Wood Thrushes | August 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-winged Warbler | August 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Magnolia, Canada Warblers | August 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Blackburnian Warbler | August 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | August 24th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | August 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird | August 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Waterthrush | August 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | August 25th 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina Wren | August 25th 2001 | Central Park |
Veery | August 25th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-winged Warbler | August 25th 2001 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | August 25th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow, Magnolia Warbler | August 25th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | August 25th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | August 25th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | August 25th 2001 | Central Park |
Baltimore Oriole | August 25th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird | August 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | August 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina Wren | August 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | August 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Veery | August 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Canada, Blue-winged Warblers | August 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | August 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | August 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | August 26th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | August 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Waterthrush | August 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Baltimore Oriole | August 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Eared Grebe | August 26th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Tricolored Heron | August 26th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Yellow-crowned Night Heron | August 26th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Glossy Ibis | August 26th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Northern Shoveler | August 26th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Blue-winged, Green-winged Teals | August 26th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Common Tern, Gull-billed Tern | August 26th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Caspian Tern | August 26th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Black-bellied Plover | August 26th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Semipalmated Plover | August 26th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
American Oystercatcher | August 26th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Lesser, Greater Yellowlegs | August 26th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Spotted Sandpiper | August 26th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Red Knot | August 26th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Ruddy Turnstone | August 26th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Least, Semipalmated Sandpiper | August 26th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
White-rumped, Stilt Sandpiper | August 26th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Short-billed Dowitcher | August 26th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Wilson's Phalarope | August 26th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Red-eyed Vireo | August 28th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | August 28th 2001 | Central Park |
Veery | August 28th 2001 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | August 28th 2001 | Central Park |
Magnolia, Canada Warbler | August 28th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | August 28th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | August 28th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | August 28th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | August 28th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | August 28th 2001 | Central Park |
Baltimore Oriole | August 28th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Wood-Pewee | August 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Great Crested Flycatcher | August 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Warbling, Red-eyed Vireos | August 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | August 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina Wren | August 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | August 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Veery, Swainson's Thrush | August 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | August 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided, Magnolia Warbler | August 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Cape May Warbler | August 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | August 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | August 29th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | August 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Nighthawk | August 30th 2001 | Argonne Natl Lab, IL |
Eastern Wood-Pewee (heard) | August 30th 2001 | Argonne Natl Lab, IL |
Eastern Bluebird | Sept. 2nd 2001 | Argonne Natl Lab, IL |
Red-headed Woodpecker | Sept. 2nd 2001 | Argonne Natl Lab, IL |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird | Sept. 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | Sept. 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Thrasher | Sept. 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | Sept. 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Sept. 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina Wren | Sept. 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Veery | Sept. 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept. 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept. 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | Sept. 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | Sept. 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager | Sept. 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Sept. 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Baltimore Oriole | Sept. 3rd 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird | Sept. 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | Sept. 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Sept. 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina Wren | Sept. 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Veery | Sept. 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Swainson's, Wood Thrush | Sept. 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Sept. 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Magnolia, Wilson's Warbler | Sept. 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept. 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | Sept. 5th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept. 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Waterthrush | Sept. 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | Sept. 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Sept. 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Baltimore Oriole | Sept. 5th 2001 | Central Park |
Pied-billed Grebe | Sept. 6th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Great Blue, Tricolored Heron | Sept. 6th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Great, Snowy Egret | Sept. 6th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Mallard, Black Duck | Sept. 6th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Gadwall, N. Pintail | Sept. 6th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Green-winged, Blue-winged Teal | Sept. 6th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Northern Shoveler | Sept. 6th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Greater Scaup, Ruddy Duck | Sept. 6th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Northern Harrier, Osprey | Sept. 6th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Black-bellied Plover | Sept. 6th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Hudsonian Godwit | Sept. 6th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Lesser Yellowlegs | Sept. 6th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Short-billed Dowitcher | Sept. 6th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Least, Semipalmated Sandpiper | Sept. 6th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Black Skimmer | Sept. 6th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Boat-tailed Grackle | Sept. 6th 2001 | Jamaica Bay |
Solitary Sandpiper | Sept. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird | Sept. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | Sept. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Sept. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | Sept. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Veery | Sept. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Swainson's, Wood Thrush | Sept. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Sept. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Sept. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Magnolia, Canada Warbler | Sept. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Sept. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | Sept. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | Sept. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Wilson's Warbler | Sept. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | Sept. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Baltimore Oriole | Sept. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | Sept. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | Sept. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Sept. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-breasted Nuthatch | Sept. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Veery, Swainson's, Wood Thrush | Sept. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Sept. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Sept. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow, Chestnut-sided Warbler | Sept. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | Sept. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird | Sept. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Waterthrush | Sept. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Wilson's, Canada Warbler | Sept. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | Sept. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager | Sept. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Sept. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Baltimore Oriole | Sept. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Killdeer | Sept. 9th 2001 | Deerfield, NJ |
American Golden Plover | Sept. 9th 2001 | Deerfield, NJ |
Pacific Golden Plover | Sept. 9th 2001 [*] | Deerfield, NJ |
Baird's Sandpiper | Sept. 9th 2001 | Deerfield, NJ |
Buff-breasted Sandpiper | Sept. 9th 2001 | Deerfield, NJ |
World Trade Center attacked 8:45am | Sept. 11th 2001 | |
Northern Flicker | Sept. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed, Philadelphia Vireo | Sept. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Sept. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-breasted Nuthatch | Sept. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina Wren | Sept. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Veery, Swainson's, Wood Thrush | Sept. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Sept. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | Sept. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Sept. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Nashville, Magnolia Warbler | Sept. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Blackpoll, Yellow-rumped Warbler | Sept. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Sept. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | Sept. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | Sept. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Wilson's Warbler | Sept. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | Sept. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Sept. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Baltimore Oriole | Sept. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Belted Kingfisher | Sept. 12th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | Sept. 12th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Wood-Pewee | Sept. 12th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | Sept. 12th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-breasted Nuthatch | Sept. 12th 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina Wren | Sept. 12th 2001 | Central Park |
Veery, Swainson's Thrush | Sept. 12th 2001 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Sept. 12th 2001 | Central Park |
Nashville Warbler | Sept. 12th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Sept. 12th 2001 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | Sept. 12th 2001 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | Sept. 12th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept. 12th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Sept. 12th 2001 | Central Park |
Prairie, Palm Warbler | Sept. 12th 2001 | Central Park |
Bay-breasted Warbler | Sept. 12th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | Sept. 12th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept. 12th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Waterthrush | Sept. 12th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | Sept. 12th 2001 | Central Park |
Swamp Sparrow | Sept. 12th 2001 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Sept. 12th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | Sept. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | Sept. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina Wren | Sept. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Veery, Swainson's Thrush | Sept. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Sept. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | Sept. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | Sept. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Sept. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | Sept. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | Sept. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Wood-Pewee | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Great Crested Flycatcher | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-breasted Nuthatch | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Creeper | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina, House Wren | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Veery | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Swainson's, Wood Thrush | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-winged, Nashville Warbler | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Blackpoll, Magnolia Warbler | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Prairie, Palm Warblers | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Canada, Bay-breasted Warblers | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Waterthrush | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Lincoln's, White-thr Sparrow | Sept. 15th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | Sept. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | Sept. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Sept. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Sept. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Winter Wren | Sept. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Veery | Sept. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Swainson's, Wood Thrush | Sept. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Nashville Warbler | Sept. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Sept. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Blackpoll, Magnolia Warbler | Sept. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Sept. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | Sept. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird | Sept. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | Sept. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Sept. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Purple Finch | Sept. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | Sept. 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | Sept. 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Sept. 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-br., White-br. Nuthatch | Sept. 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina Wren | Sept. 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Sept. 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Veery, Swainson's, Wood Thrush | Sept. 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Sept. 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Sept. 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | Sept. 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Wilson's, Magnolia Warbler | Sept. 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept. 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Sept. 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Black+white, Blackpoll Warbler | Sept. 18th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept. 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | Sept. 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | Sept. 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Sept. 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Purple Finch | Sept. 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Green Heron | Sept. 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | Sept. 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Wood-Pewee | Sept. 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | Sept. 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Sept. 19th 2001 | Central Park |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Sept. 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina, Winter Wren | Sept. 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Gray-cheeked, Swainson's Thrush | Sept. 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Sept. 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Wilson's, Magnolia Warbler | Sept. 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept. 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Blackpoll, Yellow-rumped Warbler | Sept. 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Sept. 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | Sept. 19th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept. 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | Sept. 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | Sept. 19th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Wheatear | Sept. 22nd 2001 [USA] | Smith Pt Park, NY |
Pied-billed, Eared Grebe | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Great Blue Heron | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Great, Snowy Egret | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Tricolored, Blk-cr Night Heron | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Mallard, Black Duck, Gadwall | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Blue-winged, Green-winged Teal | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Northern Shoveler | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Ruddy Duck | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Merlin | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Lesser, Greater Yellowlegs | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Pectoral Sandpiper | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Black Skimmer | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Belted Kingfisher | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Northern Flicker | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Red-eyed Vireo | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Veery | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Brown Thrasher | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Nashville Warbler | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Northern Parula | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Yellow, Magnolia Warbler | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Palm, Blackpoll Warbler | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Black-and-white Warbler | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
American Redstart | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Northern Waterthrush | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Common Yellowthroat | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Wilson's Warbler | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Eastern Towhee | Sept. 22nd 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Green, Black-cr Night Heron | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Sora | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Wood-Pewee | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Phoebe | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
White-eyed Vireo | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Philadelphia, Red-eyed Vireo | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Red-br, White-br Nuthatch | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina, Winter Wren | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Veery, Gray-cheeked Thrush | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Swainson's, Wood Thrush | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Thrasher | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Nashville Warbler | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Blackpoll Warbler | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Waterthrush | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Lincoln's Sparrow | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Baltimore Oriole | Sept. 23rd 2001 | Central Park |
Chimney Swift | Sept. 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | Sept. 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Wood-Pewee | Sept. 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | Sept. 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Sept. 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina, House, Marsh Wren | Sept. 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Gray-cheeked, Swainson's Thrush | Sept. 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Wood Thrush | Sept. 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Thrasher | Sept. 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Sept. 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow, Magnolia Warbler | Sept. 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept. 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Sept. 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Palm, Blackpoll Warbler | Sept. 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | Sept. 24th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept. 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | Sept. 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | Sept. 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Lincoln's Sparrow | Sept. 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Sept. 24th 2001 | Central Park |
Chimney Swift | Sept. 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | Sept. 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Wood-Pewee | Sept. 26th 2001 | Central Park |
White-eyed Vireo | Sept. 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Sept. 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina, Winter Wren | Sept. 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Sept. 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Swainson's, Wood Thrush | Sept. 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Thrasher | Sept. 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Sept. 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Sept. 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow Warbler, Magnolia Warbler | Sept. 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept. 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Blackpoll Warbler | Sept. 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | Sept. 26th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept. 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird | Sept. 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | Sept. 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | Sept. 26th 2001 | Central Park |
Green-winged Teal | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Osprey | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Sharp-shinned Hawk | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Phoebe | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-br., White-br. Nuthatch | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Creeper | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina, Winter Wren | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Gray-cheeked Thrush | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
probable Bicknell's Thrush | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Swainson's, Wood Thrush | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Thrasher | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Tennessee Warbler | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Palm, Blackpoll Warbler | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Wilson's, Canada Warbler | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Chipping, Song Sparrow | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Lincoln's, Swamp Sparrow | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Dark-eyed Junco | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Purple Finch | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
American Goldfinch | Sept. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped, Pine Warbler | Sept. 30th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Song, Swamp, Savannah Sparrows | Sept. 30th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Merlin, Northern Harrier | Sept. 30th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Eastern Phoebe | Sept. 30th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Black-bellied Plover | Sept. 30th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Semipalmated Plover | Sept. 30th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Ruddy Turnstone, Sanderling | Sept. 30th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Brown Thrasher | Sept. 30th 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept. 30th 2001 | Central Park |
Dark-eyed Junco | Sept. 30th 2001 | Central Park |
Purple Finch | Sept. 30th 2001 | Central Park |
Belted Kingfisher | Oct. 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Oct. 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | Oct. 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Phoebe | Oct. 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Oct. 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Oct. 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Creeper | Oct. 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina, House Wren | Oct. 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Golden-cr., Ruby-cr. Kinglet | Oct. 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Swainson's, Hermit Thrush | Oct. 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Thrasher | Oct. 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Oct. 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Magnolia, Blackpoll Warbler | Oct. 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Oct. 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | Oct. 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Oct. 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | Oct. 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager | Oct. 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
White-crowned Sparrow | Oct. 2nd 2001 | Central Park |
Sharp-shinned Hawk | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
American Kestrel | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Screech-Owl (released) | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Chimney Swift | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Phoebe | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-headed, Red-eyed Vireo | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Creeper | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina, House, Winter Wren | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Swainson's, Hermit, Wood Thrush | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Thrasher | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Pine, Magnolia Warbler | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Chipping, Field Sparrow | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Song, Swamp Sparrow | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Dark-eyed Junco | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Purple Finch | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
American Goldfinch | Oct. 7th 2001 | Central Park |
Great Blue Heron | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Wood Duck | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Screech-Owl (released) | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Phoebe | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Creeper | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina, Winter Wren | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Golden-cr, Ruby-cr Kinglet | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Swainson's, Hermit Thrush | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Mourning Warbler | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Chipping Sparrow | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Song, Swamp Sparrow | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
White-crowned Sparrow (imm) | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Dark-eyed Junco | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Purple Finch | Oct. 8th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Oct. 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | Oct. 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Phoebe | Oct. 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Oct. 9th 2001 | Central Park |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Oct. 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Creeper | Oct. 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Winter Wren | Oct. 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Oct. 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Swainson's, Hermit Thrush | Oct. 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Oct. 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Oct. 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Oct. 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Oct. 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Palm Warbler | Oct. 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird | Oct. 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | Oct. 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | Oct. 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Chipping Sparrow | Oct. 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Dark-eyed Junco | Oct. 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Purple Finch | Oct. 9th 2001 | Central Park |
Merlin (low over Great Lawn) | Oct. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Screech-Owl (releasee) | Oct. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Oct. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | Oct. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Phoebe | Oct. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-headed Vireo | Oct. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Oct. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Oct. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina Wren | Oct. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Golden-cr., Ruby-cr. Kinglet | Oct. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Swainson's, Wood Thrush | Oct. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Oct. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped, Blackpoll Warbler | Oct. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | Oct. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | Oct. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Chipping Sparrow | Oct. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Dark-eyed Junco | Oct. 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Screech-Owl (released) | Oct. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Oct. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | Oct. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Phoebe | Oct. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-headed Vireo | Oct. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Oct. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-br., White-br. Nuthatch | Oct. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Creeper | Oct. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina Wren | Oct. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Winter Wren | Oct. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Oct. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Swainson's, Hermit, Wood Thrush | Oct. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Thrasher | Oct. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Oct. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped, Palm Warbler | Oct. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager | Oct. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | Oct. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Chipping, Swamp Sparrow | Oct. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Dark-eyed Junco | Oct. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Purple Finch | Oct. 13th 2001 | Central Park |
Merlin | Oct. 14th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | Oct. 14th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Phoebe | Oct. 14th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Oct. 14th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-br., White-br. Nuthatch | Oct. 14th 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Creeper | Oct. 14th 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina, Winter Wren | Oct. 14th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Oct. 14th 2001 | Central Park |
Swainson's, Hermit Thrush | Oct. 14th 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Thrasher | Oct. 14th 2001 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Oct. 14th 2001 | Central Park |
Tennessee, Nashville Warbler | Oct. 14th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Oct. 14th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Oct. 14th 2001 | Central Park |
Ovenbird | Oct. 14th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | Oct. 14th 2001 | Central Park |
Chipping Sparrow | Oct. 14th 2001 | Central Park |
Field Sparrow | Oct. 14th 2001 | Central Park |
Song Sparrow | Oct. 14th 2001 | Central Park |
Swamp Sparrow | Oct. 14th 2001 | Central Park |
White-throated Sparrow | Oct. 14th 2001 | Central Park |
Dark-eyed Junco | Oct. 14th 2001 | Central Park |
Baltimore Oriole | Oct. 14th 2001 | Central Park |
Purple Finch | Oct. 14th 2001 | Central Park |
Cooper's Hawk | Oct. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Screech-Owl (releasee) | Oct. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Oct. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | Oct. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Phoebe | Oct. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Oct. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Oct. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina, Winter Wren | Oct. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Oct. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Hermit Thrush | Oct. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Oct. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | Oct. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Chipping, Field Sparrow | Oct. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Song, Swamp Sparrow | Oct. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Dark-eyed Junco | Oct. 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Pied-billed Grebe | Oct. 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Gadwall, Northern Shoveler | Oct. 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruddy Duck | Oct. 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | Oct. 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-headed Vireo | Oct. 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Oct. 20th 2001 | Central Park |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Oct. 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Creeper | Oct. 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Winter Wren | Oct. 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Oct. 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Swainson's, Hermit Thrush | Oct. 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Oct. 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Oct. 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped, Palm Warbler | Oct. 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | Oct. 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Chipping Sparrow | Oct. 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Song Sparrow | Oct. 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Swamp Sparrow | Oct. 20th 2001 | Central Park |
White-crowned Sparrow | Oct. 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Dark-eyed Junco | Oct. 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Purple Finch | Oct. 20th 2001 | Central Park |
Wood Duck, Gadwall | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Screech-Owl | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
RED-HEADED WOODPECKER | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Blue-headed Vireo | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Creeper | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Carolina, Winter Wren | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Golden-crowned Kinglet | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Swainson's Thrush | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Hermit Thrush | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Thrasher | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Chipping Sparrow | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Field Sparrow | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Song Sparrow | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Swamp Sparrow | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
White-crowned Sparrow | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Dark-eyed Junco | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Purple Finch | Oct. 21st 2001 | Central Park |
Great Blue Heron | Oct. 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Wood Duck, Northern Shoveler | Oct. 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Sharp-shinned Hawk, Merlin | Oct. 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Screech-Owl | Oct. 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Belted Kingfisher | Oct. 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-headed Woodpecker | Oct. 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Oct. 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | Oct. 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Phoebe | Oct. 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Oct. 27th 2001 | Central Park |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Oct. 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Creeper | Oct. 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Winter Wren | Oct. 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Golden-cr., Ruby-cr. Kinglet | Oct. 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Hermit Thrush | Oct. 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Thrasher | Oct. 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Oct. 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Oct. 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Palm, Blackpoll Warbler | Oct. 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | Oct. 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Chipping, Song, Swamp Sparrow | Oct. 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Dark-eyed Junco | Oct. 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Baltimore Oriole | Oct. 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Purple Finch | Oct. 27th 2001 | Central Park |
American Goldfinch | Oct. 27th 2001 | Central Park |
Sharp-shinned Hawk | Oct. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-tailed Hawk | Oct. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-headed Woodpecker | Oct. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Flicker | Oct. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Oct. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Oct. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Brown Creeper | Oct. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Oct. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Hermit Thrush | Oct. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Oct. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | Oct. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Chipping, Song Sparrow | Oct. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Dark-eyed Junco | Oct. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Purple Finch | Oct. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
American Goldfinch | Oct. 29th 2001 | Central Park |
Great Egret | Nov 5th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Canada, Brant, Snow Goose | Nov 5th 2001 | Jones Beach |
N. Harrier, Sharp-shinned Hawk | Nov 5th 2001 | Jones Beach |
American Kestrel | Nov 5th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Merlin, Peregrine Falcon | Nov 5th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Northern Saw-whet Owl | Nov 5th 2001 [*] | Jones Beach |
Northern Flicker | Nov 5th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Eastern Phoebe | Nov 5th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Blue-headed Vireo | Nov 5th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Black-capped Chickadee | Nov 5th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Red-breasted Nuthatch | Nov 5th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Brown Creeper | Nov 5th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Carolina, Winter Wren | Nov 5th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Golden-cr, Ruby-cr Kinglet | Nov 5th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Hermit Thrush | Nov 5th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Brown Thrasher | Nov 5th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Nashville Warbler | Nov 5th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Northern Parula | Nov 5th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Yellow-rumped, Palm Warbler | Nov 5th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Song, Swamp Sparrow | Nov 5th 2001 | Jones Beach |
White-thr, White-cr Sparrow | Nov 5th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Dark-eyed Junco | Nov 5th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Purple Finch | Nov 5th 2001 | Jones Beach |
American Goldfinch | Nov 5th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Pine Siskin | Nov 5th 2001 | Jones Beach |
White-winged Crossbill | Nov 5th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Wood Duck | Nov 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Bufflehead | Nov 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-tailed Hawk | Nov 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Northern Saw-whet Owl | Nov 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-headed Woodpecker | Nov 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Nov 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-br., White-br. Nuthatch | Nov 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Hermit Thrush | Nov 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Nov 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Fox, Song, Swamp Sparrow | Nov 11th 2001 | Central Park |
White-throated Sparrow | Nov 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Dark-eyed Junco | Nov 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Rusty Blackbird | Nov 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Purple Finch | Nov 11th 2001 | Central Park |
American Goldfinch | Nov 11th 2001 | Central Park |
Brant, Canada Goose | Nov 14th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Red-breasted Merganser | Nov 14th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Northern Harrier | Nov 14th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Black-bellied Plover | Nov 14th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Red Knot | Nov 14th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Dunlin | Nov 14th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Nov 14th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Sanderling | Nov 14th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Song, White-throated Sparrow | Nov 14th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Dickcissel | Nov 14th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Dark-eyed Junco | Nov 14th 2001 | Jones Beach |
Wood Duck | Nov 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Bufflehead | Nov 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-headed Woodpecker | Nov 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Nov 16th 2001 | Central Park |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Nov 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Golden-crowned Kinglet | Nov 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Hermit Thrush | Nov 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Nov 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | Nov 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Chipping, Fox, Song Sparrow | Nov 16th 2001 | Central Park |
White-throated Sparrow | Nov 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Dark-eyed Junco | Nov 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Purple Finch | Nov 16th 2001 | Central Park |
American Goldfinch | Nov 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Pine Siskin | Nov 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Great Blue Heron | Nov 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Bufflehead | Nov 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-tailed Hawk | Nov 17th 2001 | Central Park |
American Kestrel | Nov 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-headed Woodpecker | Nov 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Nov 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Hairy Woodpecker | Nov 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Nov 17th 2001 | Central Park |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Nov 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Nov 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Hermit Thrush | Nov 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | Nov 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Fox, Song, White-thr. Sparrow | Nov 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Dark-eyed Junco | Nov 17th 2001 | Central Park |
American Goldfinch | Nov 17th 2001 | Central Park |
Wood, Ring-necked Duck | Nov 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Bufflehead | Nov 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Red-headed Woodpecker | Nov 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Nov 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Nov 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Tufted Titmouse | Nov 18th 2001 | Central Park |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Nov 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Hermit Thrush | Nov 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | Nov 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Fox, Song, Swamp Sparrow | Nov 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Dark-eyed Junco | Nov 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Purple, House Finch | Nov 18th 2001 | Central Park |
American Goldfinch | Nov 18th 2001 | Central Park |
Rufous Hummingbird (imm male) | Nov 27th 2001 | Lenoir Preserve, Westchester |
Red-br, White-br Nuthatch | Nov 27th 2001 | Lenoir Preserve, Westchester |
Carolina Wren | Nov 27th 2001 | Lenoir Preserve, Westchester |
Eastern Bluebird | Nov 27th 2001 | Lenoir Preserve, Westchester |
Cedar Waxwing | Nov 27th 2001 | Lenoir Preserve, Westchester |
Baltimore Oriole | Nov 27th 2001 | Lenoir Preserve, Westchester |
Loon sp. | Dec 1st 2001 | Brielle Pelagic (NJ/NY waters) |
Northern Fulmar | Dec 1st 2001 [USA] | Brielle Pelagic (NJ/NY waters) |
Manx Shearwater | Dec 1st 2001 [USA] | Brielle Pelagic (NJ/NY waters) |
Northern Gannet | Dec 1st 2001 | Brielle Pelagic (NJ/NY waters) |
Lesser Black-backed Gull | Dec 1st 2001 | Brielle Pelagic (NJ/NY waters) |
Black-legged Kittiwake | Dec 1st 2001 | Brielle Pelagic (NJ/NY waters) |
Red Phalarope | Dec 1st 2001 | Brielle Pelagic (NJ/NY waters) |
Pomarine Jaeger | Dec 1st 2001 [*] | Brielle Pelagic (NJ/NY waters) |
Razorbill | Dec 1st 2001 | Brielle Pelagic (NJ/NY waters) |
Calliope Hummingbird | Dec 6th 2001 [*] | Fort Tryon Park, Manhattan |
Cooper's Hawk (immature) | Dec 6th 2001 | Fort Tryon Park, Manhattan |
Red-tailed Hawk, Am. Kestrel | Dec 6th 2001 | Fort Tryon Park, Manhattan |
Black-capped Chickadee | Dec 6th 2001 | Fort Tryon Park, Manhattan |
Cedar Waxwing | Dec 6th 2001 | Fort Tryon Park, Manhattan |
Calliope Hummingbird | Dec 7th 2001 | Fort Tryon Park, Manhattan |
Rufous Hummingbird | Dec 8th 2001 | Lenoir Preserve, Yonkers |
Calliope Hummingbird | Dec 8th 2001 | Fort Tryon Park, Manhattan |
Orange-crowned Warbler | Dec 8th 2001 | Fort Tryon Park, Manhattan |
Bald Eagle | Dec 8th 2001 | Fort Tryon Park, Manhattan |
Cooper's Hawk | Dec 8th 2001 | Fort Tryon Park, Manhattan |
Calliope Hummingbird | Dec 10th 2001 | Fort Tryon Park, Manhattan |
Cedar Waxwing | Dec 10th 2001 | Fort Tryon Park, Manhattan |
Calliope Hummingbird | Dec 15th 2001 | Fort Tryon Park, Manhattan |
Cedar Waxwing | Dec 15th 2001 | Fort Tryon Park, Manhattan |
Red-tailed Hawk | Dec 15th 2001 | Fort Tryon Park, Manhattan |
Peregrine | Dec 15th 2001 | Fort Tryon Park, Manhattan |
Rufous Hummingbird | Dec 15th 2001 | Lenoir Preserve, Yonkers |
Archilochus sp | Dec 15th 2001 | Lenoir Preserve, Yonkers |
Bald Eagle | Dec 15th 2001 | Lenoir Preserve, Yonkers |
Hairy, Downy Woodpecker | Dec 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Pied-billed Grebe | Dec 16th 2001 | Central Park |
American Coot | Dec 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Ruddy Duck | Dec 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Canada, Snow Goose | Dec 16th 2001 | Central Park |
Surf Scoter, C. Goldeneye | Dec 22nd 2001 | Lake Cayuga, Ithaca |
Hooded, Common Mergansers | Dec 22nd 2001 | Lake Cayuga, Ithaca |
Calliope Hummingbird | Dec 25th 2001 | Fort Tryon Park, NYC |
Greater Scaup | Dec 25th 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Canvasback, Ruddy Duck | Dec 25th 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Gadwall, Mallard, Am Black Duck | Dec 25th 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
GW Teal, N. Shoveler | Dec 25th 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
American Wigeon | Dec 25th 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Snow, Brant, Canada Goose | Dec 25th 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Song, Swamp, Am. Tree Sparrow | Dec 25th 2001 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Great Blue Heron | Dec 26th 2001 | Dune Rd, Shinnecock, NY |
Common, Red-throated Loon | Dec 26th 2001 | Dune Rd, Shinnecock, NY |
Bonaparte's Gull, Long-T Duck | Dec 26th 2001 | Dune Rd, Shinnecock, NY |