This is mainly to remind me when I saw what, etc, lest I forget. Ordered somewhat by date, first sightings ever are marked with [*] (i.e. lifers) and birds new for my USA list with [USA]. First sightings of quite a lot of species are recorded, thereafter only "notable" sightings are included. Many first sightings of Old World species are not included because it was a very very long time ago when I first saw them. Notable, in my usage, is an arbitrary and inconsistent concept. Sorry.
Background: I started birding in the late 1970's, during my mid teens. In that era, back in Britain, I was lucky enough to live just over the hill from an extensive estuary (Holbrook Bay) in Lower Holbrook, and within 40 miles of one of the best British bird reserves ( Minsmere, run by the RSPB). The local scene was enhanced by the development of the Alton Water reservoir which brought yet more water species to our area, although I missed the spectacular rarities it attracted in it's early days before it filled up.
Subsequent visits back to the area have been partially heartbreaking. Erosion has eliminated some habitat once reliable for Common, Green and Wood Sandpipers. Little Terns no longer breed (or attempt to) along the shoreline. Farming practices that have provoked a crash in many passerine species in Great Britain are evident in the general lack of Bullfinches and Tree Sparrows, and scarcity of things like Skylark, Reed Bunting and Song Thrush. Snipe no longer feed in the ditch in front of my parents' house, although it is rewarding that each year they contribute to two broods of Moorhens fledging from the local pond. Amidst the disappointment, evidence of a spectacular success - an Osprey found hunting over my old haunts in the spring of 1997. Although common in the USA (where I now live), the Osprey was nearly exterminated from Britain and was subject a major conservation and reintroduction attempt. The Californian Condor should be so lucky.
Fall of 1997 saw my first serious attempt at birding in the USA after some dilettant attempts during 1989-1996. I started out at Brigantine, did some birding around Ann Arbor (long story), but things really kicked in when I started coming into Central Park in the fall of 1998. The observant will notice that the real sightings records date from that period.
What | When | Where, etc |
Black Kite | Jul 1984 [*] | South East France |
Red Kite | Sep 1986 [*] | Massif Central foothills, France |
Common Yellowthroat | May 1993 [*] | Montauk, Long Island |
American Dipper | Jun 1993 [*] | Zion Natl Park, Utah |
Greater Roadrunner | Jun 1993 [*] | nr. Joshua Tree, CA |
Heermann's Gull | Jun 1993 [*] | San Diego, CA |
Pigeon Guillemot | Jun 1993 [*] | Monterey Aquarium |
California Quail | Jun 1993 [*] | Northern CA Coast, family group |
Western Grebe (pre-split) | Feb 1996 [*] | California Coast Road, Monterey, coastal raft |
Black Kite | May 1996 | Hong Kong |
Tree Sparrow | May 1996 | Hong Kong |
Spur-winged Plover (NZ) | May 1996 [*] | Palmerston North, NZ |
New Zealand Pipit | Jan 1997 [*] | Molesworth Trail, South Island, NZ |
Yellow-eyed Penguin | Jan 1997 [*] | Otago Peninsula, South Island, NZ |
Sooty Shearwater | Jan 1997 [*] | South Island, NZ |
Little Blue Penguin | Jan 1997 [*] | Oamaru and Otago Peninsula, South Island, NZ |
Royal Albatross | Jan 1997 [*] | Otago Peninsula, South Island, NZ |
Kea | Jan 1997 [*] | Fjordland, South Island, NZ |
New Zealand Falcon | Jan 1997 [*] | South Island nr Fox Glacier, NZ |
Bar-tailed Godwit | Jan 1997 | South Island nr Fox Glacier, NZ |
Kaka | Jan 1997 [*] | Stewart Island, NZ |
(Stewart Is) Brown Kiwi | Jan 1997 [*] | Stewart Island, NZ, at night |
Cape Pigeon | Jan 1997 [*] | Ferry from Stewart Island, NZ |
Buller's Mollyhawk | Jan 1997 [*] | Kaikoura, South Island, NZ |
Giant Petrel | Jan 1997 [*] | South Island, NZ |
Black Petrel | Jan 1997 [*] | South Island, NZ |
Buller's Shearwater | Jan 1997 [*] | Kaikoura, South Island, NZ |
Hutton's Shearwater | Jan 1997 [*] | Kaikoura, South Island, NZ |
Hobby | May 1997 | Minsmere |
Mediterranean Gull | May 1997 | Felixstowe (1 or more adults) |
Woodlark | May 1997 | Minsmere car park |
Spectacled Warbler | May 1997 [*] | Felixstowe (2nd ever GB record) |
Nightingale | May 1997 | Alton Water, GB |
Garganey | Jun 1997 | Minsmere, adult male |
(Eurasian) Bittern | Jun 1997 | Minsmere |
Spoonbill | Jun 1997 | Minsmere |
Little Ringed Plover | Jun 1997 | Minsmere |
Spotted Redshank | Jun 1997 | Minsmere |
Little Stint | Jun 1997 | Minsmere |
Little Egret | Jun 1997 [*] | Minsmere, single adult |
Grasshopper Warbler | Jun 1997 | Minsmere, singing adult |
Short-billed Dowitcher | Sep 1997 [*] | Brigantine, NJ |
Stilt Sandpiper | Sep 1997 [*] | Brigantine, NJ |
Wilson's Phalarope | Sep 1997 [*] | Brigantine, NJ |
Sandhill Crane | Oct 1997 [*] | nr. Ann Arbor |
Mountain Bluebird | Jan 1998 [*] | Joshua Tree Natl Park, CA |
American Dipper | Jan 1998 | Zion Natl Park, Utah |
Golden-crowned Kinglet | Jan 1998 [*] | Zion Natl Park, Utah |
Clark's Nutcracker | Jan 1998 [*] | Bryce Canyon, Utah |
Golden Eagle | Jan 1998 [USA] | Utah/Arizona, two immatures |
Gila Woodpecker | Jan 1998 [*] | Organ Pipe Cactus Park, AZ |
Phainopepla | Jan 1998 [*] | Organ Pipe Cactus Reserve, Arizona |
Pygmy Nuthatch | Jan 1998 | Grand Canyon |
Red Crossbill | Jan 1998 [*] | Grand Canyon |
Plain Titmouse | Jan 1998 [*] | Grand Canyon |
Redhead | Mar 1998 [*] | Independence Lake, nr Ann Arbor, MI |
Canvasback | Mar 1998 [*] | Independence Lake, nr Ann Arbor, MI, a pair |
Cedar Waxwing | Mar 1998 [*] | Independence Lake, nr Ann Arbor, MI |
Slavonian/Horned Grebe | Mar 1998 [USA] | Independence Lake, Ann Arbor, MI, moulting adults |
Chipping Sparrow | Mar 1998 [*] | Ann Arbor, Michigan |
Yellow Warbler | Apr 1998 [*] | Ann Arbor, Michigan |
Yellow-billed Cuckoo | Apr 1998 | Ann Arbor, Michigan |
Warbling Vireo | Apr 1998 [*] | Ann Arbor, Michigan |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Apr 1998 [*] | Ann Arbor, Michigan |
Wood Thrush | Apr 1998 [*] | Ann Arbor, Michigan |
Red-Throated Loon | Mar 1998 [USA] | Pte. Mouillee, winter plumage bird |
Blue-winged Teal | Apr 1998 [*] | nr. Ann Arbor, moulting adults |
Lesser Scaup | Apr 1998 [*] | nr. Ann Arbor |
Bonaparte's Gull | Apr 1998 [*?] | nr. Ann Arbor |
Horned Lark | Apr 1998 [*] | Streiter Rd, Ann Arbor |
Cliff Swallow | Apr 1998 | Streiter Rd, Ann Arbor |
Caspian Tern | Apr 1998 [*] | Pte. Mouillee, spring migrants |
Forster's Tern | Apr 1998 [*] | Pte. Mouillee, spring migrants |
Purple Martin | Apr 1998 [*] | Pte. Mouillee, Michigan, amongst swallows |
Cooper's Hawk | Apr 1998 [*] | Zeeb Rd pond, Ann Arbor |
Marsh Wren | May 1998 [*] | Pt. Pelee, Canada |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | May 1998 [*] | Pt. Pelee, Canada |
Least Flycatcher | May 1998 [*] | Pt. Pelee, Canada |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 1998 [*] | Pt. Pelee, Canada |
Palm Warbler | May 1998 [*] | Pt. Pelee, Canada |
Black and White Warbler | May 1998 [*] | Pt. Pelee, Canada |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | May 1998 [*] | Pt. Pelee, Canada |
Nashville Warbler | May 1998 [*] | Pt. Pelee, Canada |
Red-eyed Vireo | May 1998 [*] | Pt. Pelee, Canada |
House Wren | May 1998 [*] | Pt. Pelee, Canada |
Indigo Bunting | May 1998 [*] | Pt. Pelee, Canada |
Carolina Wren | May 1998 | Pt. Pelee, Canada |
Magnolia Warbler | May 1998 [*] | Pt. Pelee, Canada |
Black-throated Green Warbler | May 1998 [*] | Pt. Pelee, Canada |
Yellow-breasted Chat | May 1998 [*] | Pt. Pelee, Canada |
Great-crested Flycatcher | May 1998 [*] | Pt. Pelee, Canada |
American Redstart | May 1998 [*] | Pt. Pelee, Canada |
Scarlet Tanager | May 1998 [*] | Pt. Pelee, Canada |
Black-billed Cuckoo | May 1998 [*] | Pt. Pelee, Canada |
Whimbrel | Sep 1998 | Brigantine NWR, NJ |
Least Sandpiper | Sep 1998 [*] | Brigantine NWR, NJ |
Semipalmated Sandpiper | Sep 1998 [*] | Brigantine NWR, NJ |
Western Sandpiper | Sep 1998 [*] | Brigantine NWR, NJ |
Wilson's Phalarope | Sep 1998 | Brigantine NWR, NJ |
Purple Gallinule | Sep 1998 [*] | Brigantine NWR, NJ, immature |
Eastern Phoebe | Sep 1998 [*] | Central Park, first of many |
Solitary Vireo | Sep 1998 [*] | Central Park (Blue-headed) |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Sep 1998 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sep 1998 [*] | Central Park (3 separate sightings) |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Oct 1998 | Central Park |
Pine Warbler | Sep 1998 [*] | Central Park |
Hermit Thrush | Sep 1998 [*] | Central Park |
Brown Creeper | Sep 1998 [*] | Central Park |
Red-headed Woodpecker | Oct 1998 [*] | Central Park (Locust Grove) |
Field Sparrow | Oct 1998 [*] | Central Park (Tanners Spring) |
Swamp Sparrow | Oct 1998 [*] | Central Park (Tanners Spring) |
Lesser Scaup | Oct 1998 | Jamaica Bay, NYC, a few among many Gtrs |
Greater Scaup | Oct 1998 [USA] | Jamaica Bay, NYC, many |
Hooded Merganser | Oct 1998 | Jamaica Bay, NYC |
White-winged Scoter | Oct 1998 [*] | Jamaica Bay, NYC, single male |
Peregrine | Oct 1998 | East Pond, Jamaica Bay, NYC |
Merlin | Oct 1998 [*] | East Pond, Jamaica Bay, NYC |
Slavonian/Horned Grebe | Nov 1998 | Jamaica Bay, NYC, winter plumage adults |
Tricolored Heron | Nov 1998 [*] | Jamaica Bay, NYC, a pair |
Long-eared Owl | Dec 1998 [*] | Cedar Hill, Central Park |
Am. White Pelican | Dec 1998 | Merrit Island, FL |
Anhinga | Dec 1998 [*] | Merrit Island, FL + many other places |
Reddish Egret | Dec 1998 [*] | Merrit Island, FL |
Little Blue Heron | Dec 1998 | Merrit Island, FL + many other places |
Cattle Egret | Dec 1998 | Merrit Island, FL + many other places |
Green Heron | Dec 1998 | Merrit Island, FL + many other places |
Wood Stork | Dec 1998 [*] | Merrit Island, FL + many other places |
Glossy Ibis | Dec 1998 | Merrit Island, FL |
White Ibis | Dec 1998 [*] | Merrit Island, FL + many other places |
Roseate Spoonbill | Dec 1998 [*] | Merrit Island, FL |
Mottled Duck | Dec 1998 [*] | Merrit Island, FL |
Black Vulture | Dec 1998 | Merrit Island, FL + many other places |
Bald Eagle | Dec 1998 | Merrit Island, FL |
Red-shouldered Hawk | Dec 1998 [*] | Merrit Island, FL + many other places |
Common Gallinule | Dec 1998 [USA] | Merrit Island, FL |
Ruddy Turnstone | Dec 1998 | Merrit Island, FL |
American Avocet | Dec 1998 | Merrit Island, FL |
Bonaparte's Gull | Dec 1998 | Merrit Island, FL (immatures) |
Tree Swallow | Dec 1998 | Merrit Island, FL |
Eastern Meadowlark | Dec 1998 [*] | Merrit Island, FL |
Sandhill Crane | Dec 1998 | I-95 South of Merrit Island, FL |
Magnificent Frigatebird | Dec 1998 [*] | FL Keys (Largo, Key West, Summerland) |
Black-crowned Night Heron | Dec 1998 | FL Keys (Big Pine) |
Roseate Spoonbill | Dec 1998 | FL Keys |
Royal Tern | Dec 1998 [*] | FL Keys (Key West, Cudjoe, Big Pine) |
White-crowned Pigeon | Dec 1998 [*] | FL Keys (Key West) |
Collared Dove | Dec 1998 [USA] | FL Keys |
Black and White Warbler | Dec 1998 | FL Keys |
Am. White Pelican | Dec 29th 1998 | Everglades, FL |
Little Blue Heron | Dec 29th 1998 | Everglades, FL |
Tricolored Heron | Dec 29th 1998 | Everglades, FL |
Green Heron | Dec 29th 1998 | Everglades, FL |
Glossy Ibis | Dec 29th 1998 | Everglades, FL |
Roseate Spoonbill | Dec 29th 1998 | Everglades, FL |
Peregrine Falcon | Dec 29th 1998 | Everglades, FL |
Purple Gallinule | Dec 29th 1998 | Everglades, FL |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Dec 29th 1998 | Everglades, FL |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | Dec 29th 1998 | Everglades, FL |
Boat-tailed Grackle | Dec 29th 1998 | Everglades, FL |
Common Myna | Dec 29th 1998 [uncountable] | FL City, FL (Burger King) |
Reddish Egret | Dec 30th 1998 | Ding Darling/Sanibel Island, FL |
Little Blue Heron | Dec 30th 1998 | Ding Darling/Sanibel Island, FL |
Tricolored Heron | Dec 30th 1998 | Ding Darling/Sanibel Island, FL |
Yellow-crowned Night Heron | Dec 30th 1998 [*] | Ding Darling/Sanibel Island, FL |
Roseate Spoonbill | Dec 30th 1998 | Ding Darling/Sanibel Island, FL |
Willet | Dec 30th 1998 | Ding Darling/Sanibel Island, FL |
Common Ground Dove | Dec 30th 1998 [*] | Ding Darling/Sanibel Island, FL |
Fish Crow | Dec 30th 1998 | Ding Darling/Sanibel Island, FL |
Barred Owl | Dec 30th 1998 [*] | Corkscrew Swamp, FL |
Pileated Woodpecker | Dec 30th 1998 [*] | Corkscrew Swamp, FL |
Loggerhead Shrike | Dec 30th 1998 | Corkscrew Swamp, FL |
Solitary Vireo | Dec 30th 1998 | Corkscrew Swamp, FL |
White-eyed Vireo | Dec 30th 1998 [*] | Corkscrew Swamp, FL |
Black and White Warbler | Dec 30th 1998 | Corkscrew Swamp, FL |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Dec 31st 1998 | Corkscrew Swamp, FL |
Tricolored Heron | Dec 31st 1998 | Shark Alley, FL |
American Bittern | Dec 31st 1998 [*] | Shark Alley, FL |
Snail Kite | Dec 31st 1998 [*] | Shark Alley, FL |
Glossy Ibis | Dec 31st 1998 | Shark Alley, FL |
Purple Gallinule | Dec 31st 1998 | Shark Alley, FL |
Snipe | Dec 31st 1998 | Shark Alley, FL |
Magnificent Frigatebird | Jan 1st 1999 | FL Keys |
Reddish Egret | Jan 1st 1999 | FL Keys |
Tricolored Heron | Jan 1st 1999 | FL Keys |
Roseate Spoonbill | Jan 1st 1999 | FL Keys |
Short-tailed Hawk | Jan 1st 1999 | FL Keys |
Sanderling | Jan 1st 1999 | FL Keys |
Least Sandpiper | Jan 1st 1999 | FL Keys |
Western Sandpiper | Jan 1st 1999 | FL Keys |
American Redstart | Jan 1st 1999 | FL Keys (female) |
Tricolored Heron | Jan 3rd 1999 | Loxahatchee NWR, FL |
Mottled Duck | Jan 3rd 1999 | Loxahatchee NWR, FL |
Ring-necked Duck | Jan 3rd 1999 | Loxahatchee NWR, FL |
Short-tailed Hawk | Jan 3rd 1999 [*] | Loxahatchee NWR, FL (dark phase) |
Limpkin | Jan 3rd 1999 [*] | Loxahatchee NWR, FL |
Purple Gallinule | Jan 3rd 1999 | Loxahatchee NWR, FL |
Great Horned Owl | Jan 3rd 1999 [*] | Loxahatchee NWR, FL |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Jan 3rd 1999 | Loxahatchee NWR, FL |
Northern Rough-winged Swallow | Jan 3rd 1999 | Loxahatchee NWR, FL |
Carolina Wren | Jan 3rd 1999 | Loxahatchee NWR, FL |
Sandhill Crane | Jan 3rd 1999 | I-95 FL north of West Palm Beach |
Peregrine | Jan 4th 1999 | Southern VA on DelMarVa |
Red-throated Loon | Jan 10th 1999 | Pt Lookout on Long Island |
Oldsquaw | Jan 10th 1999 | Pt Lookout on Long Island |
Bonaparte's Gull (flock) | Jan 10th 1999 | Pt Lookout on Long Island |
Snow Bunting | Jan 10th 1999 | Robert Moses State Park |
White-winged Scoter | Jan 16th 1999 | Montauk Point |
Surf Scoter | Jan 16th 1999 [*] | Montauk Point |
Black Scoter | Jan 16th 1999 [USA] | Montauk Point |
Oldsquaw | Jan 16th 1999 | Montauk Point |
Common Eider | Jan 16th 1999 [USA] | Montauk Point |
Black-legged Kittiwake | Jan 16th 1999 [USA] | Montauk Point |
Glaucous Gull (1st Year) | Jan 16th 1999 [*] | Montauk Point |
Gannet | Jan 16th 1999 | Montauk Point |
Red Phalarope | Jan 16th 1999 [USA] | Shinnecock Inlet |
Snow Bunting | Jan 16th 1999 [USA] | Shinnecock Inlet |
Tufted Duck | Jan 16th 1999 [USA] | Swan Pond, Patchogue |
Redhead | Jan 16th 1999 | Swan Pond, Patchogue |
Canvasback | Jan 16th 1999 | Swan Pond, Patchogue |
White-winged Scoter | Jan 17th 1999 | Sachuest NWR, Rhode Island |
Surf Scoter | Jan 17th 1999 | Sachuest NWR, Rhode Island |
Harlequin Duck | Jan 17th 1999 [*] | Sachuest NWR, Rhode Island |
Common Eider | Jan 17th 1999 | Sachuest NWR, Rhode Island |
Common Goldeneye | Jan 17th 1999 | Sachuest NWR, Rhode Island |
Red-necked Grebe | Jan 17th 1999 [USA] | Sachuest NWR, Rhode Island |
King Eider (male) | Jan 17th 1999 [*] | Green Hill Beach, Rhode Island |
Glaucous Gull (1st Year) | Jan 24th 1999 | Montauk Point (same bird as 1/16) |
Barrow's Goldeneye (male) | Jan 24th 1999 [*] | Bayville, Long Island |
Yellow-billed Loon | Jan 30th 1999 [*] | Hinckley, nr Utica, NY (extralimital) |
Northern Shrike | Feb 6th 1999 [*] | Shinnecock Inlet/Dune Rd, NY |
American Bittern | Feb 6th 1999 | Shinnecock Inlet/Dune Rd, NY |
Snow Bunting | Feb 6th 1999 | Shinnecock Inlet |
Purple Sandpiper | Feb 6th 1999 [*] | Point Lookout, NY |
Harlequin Duck | Feb 6th 1999 | Point Lookout, NY |
American Tree Sparrow | Feb 27th 1999 [*] | Huron River Dr, Ann Arbor, MI |
Horned Lark | Feb 27th 1999 | Strieter Rd, Ann Arbor, MI |
Tundra Swan | Feb 27th 1999 [*] | Pte Mouillee, MI |
Long-eared Owl | Feb 27th 1999 | Lake Erie Metropark, MI |
Sandhill Crane | Feb 28th 1999 | Trinkle Marsh, Ann Arbor, MI |
Black Vulture | March 1st 1999 | South East MD (Route 5) |
Red-shouldered Hawk | March 1st 1999 | South East MD (Route 5) |
Oldsquaw | March 1st 1999 | Sandgates, MD |
Eastern Meadowlark | March 1st 1999 | Bombay Hook, DE |
Horned Lark | March 1st 1999 | Bombay Hook, DE |
Tundra Swan | March 1st 1999 | Bombay Hook, DE |
American Avocet | March 1st 1999 | Bombay Hook, DE |
Greater White-Fronted Goose | March 1st 1999 [USA] | Bombay Hook, DE; Greenland Race |
Lesser Black-backed Gull | March 1st 1999 [USA] | Florence, NJ |
White-crowned Sparrow | March 14th 1999 | Wainscott, Long Island |
Harris's Sparrow | March 14th 1999 [*] | Wainscott, Long Island |
Short-eared Owl | March 14th 1999 [USA] | Shinnecock, Long Island |
Savannah Sparrow | March 14th 1999 [*] | Shinnecock, Long Island |
Iceland Gull (2nd year) | March 14th 1999 [*] | Shinnecock, Long Island |
Common Gull/Mew Gull (imm) | March 14th 1999 [USA] | Shinnecock, Long Island |
American Tree Sparrow | March 19th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Merlin (probable) | March 19th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Snow Goose (both phases) | March 19th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Tree Swallow | March 19th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
American Oystercatcher (heard) | March 19th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Swamp Sparrow | April 4th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Fox Sparrow | April 4th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Golden-crowned Kinglet | April 4th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Eastern Phoebe | April 4th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Brown Creeper | April 4th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Cooper's Hawk | April 4th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | April 10th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Swamp Sparrow | April 10th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Savannah Sparrow | April 10th 1999 | Sheep Meadow, Central Park, NYC |
N. Rough-winged Swallow | April 10th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Palm Warbler | April 10th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Eastern Phoebe | April 11th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Black-capped Chickadee | April 11th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Snowy Egret | April 17th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Black-crowned Night Heron | April 17th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Gadwall | April 17th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Common Loon | April 17th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Palm Warbler | April 17th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Swamp Sparrow | April 17th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Horned Grebe | April 18th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Glossy Ibis | April 18th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Snowy Egret | April 18th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Great Egret | April 18th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Northern Harrier | April 18th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Osprey | April 18th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Lesser & Greater Yellowlegs | April 18th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
American Oystercatcher | April 18th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Black-bellied Plover | April 18th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Boat-tailed Grackle | April 18th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | April 18th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Brown Cowbird | April 18th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Snow Goose (4) | April 18th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Barn, Tree Swallows | April 18th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
American Wigeon | April 18th 1999 | Brooklyn, nr Floyd Bennet Field |
Louisiana Waterthrush | April 21st 1999 [*] | Ramble, Central Park, NYC |
Eastern Towhee | April 24th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Black-crowned Night Heron | April 24th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | April 24th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Black & White Warbler | April 24th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | April 24th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Palm Warbler | April 24th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Wood Thrush | April 24th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Brown Creeper | April 24th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Chimney Swift | April 24th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Rusty Blackbird | April 24th 1999 [*] | Central Park, NYC |
Swamp Sparrow | April 24th 1999 | Central Park, NYC |
Glossy Ibis | April 25th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Snowy Egret | April 25th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Great Egret | April 25th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Tricolored Heron | April 25th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Yellow-crowned Night Heron | April 25th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Black-crowned Night Heron | April 25th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
poss Merlin | April 25th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Osprey | April 25th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Lesser & Greater Yellowlegs | April 25th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Semipalmated & Least Sandpiper | April 25th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
American Oystercatcher | April 25th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Boat-tailed Grackle | April 25th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | April 25th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Palm and Yellow-rumped Warbler | April 25th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Eastern Towhee | April 25th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Snow Goose (5) | April 25th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Barn, Tree Swallows | April 25th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Savannah Sparrow | April 25th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Winter Wren | April 26th 1999 | Central Park |
House Wren | April 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | April 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Louisiana Waterthrush | April 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Black and White Warbler | April 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | April 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee (heard) | April 27th 1999 | Central Park |
Louisiana Waterthrush | April 27th 1999 | Central Park |
Black and White Warbler | April 27th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | April 27th 1999 | Central Park |
Palm Warbler | April 27th 1999 | Central Park |
Hooded Warbler (male) | April 27th 1999 [*] | Central Park |
Rough-winged and Barn Swallows | April 27th 1999 | Central Park |
Chimney Swift | April 27th 1999 | Central Park |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | April 27th 1999 | Central Park |
Broad-winged Hawk | April 28th 1999 [*] | Garden State Parkway |
Willet | April 28th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Lesser & Greater Yellowlegs | April 28th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Least Sandpiper | April 28th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Dunlin | April 28th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Merlin | April 28th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Gull-billed Tern | April 28th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Common Tern | April 28th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Purple Martin | April 28th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Chipping Sparrow | April 28th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Snowy and Great Egret | April 28th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Whimbrel | April 28th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
American Oystercatcher | April 28th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Snow Goose (1) | April 28th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird | April 28th 1999 | Audubon Center, Goshen, NJ |
Piping Plover | April 28th 1999 [*] | South Cape May Meadows |
Sanderling | April 28th 1999 | South Cape May Meadows |
Eastern Kingbird | April 28th 1999 | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
Field Sparrow | April 28th 1999 | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
White-eyed Vireo | April 28th 1999 | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
Common Yellowthroat | April 28th 1999 | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
Ruddy Turnstone | April 28th 1999 | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
Carolina Chickadee | April 28th 1999 [*] | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
Eastern Towhee | April 29th 1999 | Central Park |
Black and White Warbler | April 29th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | April 29th 1999 | Central Park |
Palm Warbler | April 29th 1999 | Central Park |
Hooded Warbler (male) | April 29th 1999 | Central Park |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | April 29th 1999 | Central Park |
Blue-winged Warbler | April 29th 1999 [*] | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | April 29th 1999 | Central Park |
Nashville Warbler | April 29th 1999 | Central Park |
Lincoln's Sparrow | April 30th 1999 [*] | Central Park |
Black and White Warbler | April 30th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | April 30th 1999 | Central Park |
Palm Warbler (East/West hybrid) | April 30th 1999 | Central Park |
Prairie Warbler | April 30th 1999 [*] | Central Park |
Nashville Warbler | April 30th 1999 | Central Park |
Blue-headed Vireo | April 30th 1999 | Central Park |
Marsh Wren (heard) | April 30th 1999 | Central Park |
Waterthrush sp (Northern?) | April 30th 1999 | Central Park |
Gull-billed Tern | May 1st 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Semipalmated Sandpiper | May 1st 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Purple Martin | May 1st 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Whimbrel | May 1st 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
American Oystercatcher | May 1st 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Snow Goose (4) | May 1st 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | May 1st 1999 | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
Common Yellowthroat | May 1st 1999 | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 1st 1999 | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
Prairie Warbler | May 1st 1999 | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
Carolina Wren | May 1st 1999 | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
Palm Warbler | May 1st 1999 | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
White-eyed Vireo | May 1st 1999 | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
Yellow-breasted Chat | May 1st 1999 | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
Carolina Chickadee | May 1st 1999 | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
Eastern Bluebird | May 1st 1999 | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
Eastern Kingbird | May 1st 1999 | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
Bonaparte's Gull | May 1st 1999 | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
Sanderling | May 1st 1999 | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
American Woodcock | May 1st 1999 [*] | SCMM, Cape May |
Blue-winged Teal | May 1st 1999 | SCMM, Cape May |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | May 2nd 1999 | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
Common Yellowthroat | May 2nd 1999 | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 2nd 1999 | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
Prairie Warbler (heard) | May 2nd 1999 | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
Carolina Wren | May 2nd 1999 | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
White-eyed Vireo | May 2nd 1999 | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
Carolina Chickadee | May 2nd 1999 | Higbee Beach, Cape May |
Piping Plover | May 2nd 1999 | SCMM, Cape May |
Red-throated Loon | May 2nd 1999 | SCMM, Cape May |
Broad-winged Hawk | May 2nd 1999 | Garden State Parkway |
Glossy Ibis | May 2nd 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Northern Waterthrush | May 5th 1999 [*] | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | May 5th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 5th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-and-White Warbler | May 5th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-crowned Night Heron | May 5th 1999 | Central Park |
Great Egret | May 5th 1999 | Central Park |
Baltimore Oriole | May 5th 1999 | Central Park |
Chimney Swift | May 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Eastern Kingbird | May 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Great-crested Flycatcher | May 6th 1999 | Central Park |
White-eyed Vireo (heard) | May 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Warbling Vireo | May 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Blue-headed Vireo | May 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Black and White Warbler | May 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Blue-winged Warbler | May 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Nashville Warbler | May 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | May 6th 1999 [*] | Central Park |
Yellow Warbler | May 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | May 6th 1999 [*] | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Prairie Warbler | May 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Cerulean Warbler | May 6th 1999 [*] | Central Park |
Worm-eating Warbler | May 6th 1999 [*] | Central Park |
Ovenbird | May 6th 1999 [*] | Central Park |
Hooded Warbler | May 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Baltimore Oriole | May 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | May 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Wood Thrush | May 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Spotted Sandpiper | May 7th 1999 | Central Park |
Blue-headed Vireo | May 7th 1999 | Central Park |
Black and White Warbler | May 7th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | May 7th 1999 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | May 7th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 7th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | May 7th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 7th 1999 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | May 7th 1999 | Central Park |
Solitary Sandpiper | May 8th 1999 [*] | Central Park |
Least Sandpiper | May 8th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | May 8th 1999 | Central Park |
Eastern Kingbird | May 8th 1999 | Central Park |
Warbling Vireo | May 8th 1999 | Central Park |
Blue-headed Vireo | May 8th 1999 | Central Park |
Black and White Warbler | May 8th 1999 | Central Park |
Blue-winged Warbler | May 8th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | May 8th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow Warbler | May 8th 1999 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | May 8th 1999 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | May 8th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 8th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | May 8th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 8th 1999 | Central Park |
Blackburnian Warbler | May 8th 1999 [*] | Central Park |
Palm Warbler | May 8th 1999 | Central Park |
Ovenbird | May 8th 1999 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | May 8th 1999 | Central Park |
Brown Thrasher | May 8th 1999 | Central Park |
Veery | May 8th 1999 [*] | Central Park |
Wood Thrush | May 8th 1999 | Central Park |
Hermit Thrush | May 8th 1999 | Central Park |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | May 8th 1999 | Central Park |
Baltimore Oriole | May 8th 1999 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | May 8th 1999 | Central Park |
Chipping Sparrow | May 8th 1999 | Central Park |
American Restart | May 8th 1999 | Central Park |
Least Sandpiper | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Black-bellied Plover | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
American Oystercatcher | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Willet | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Common Tern | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Forsters Tern | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Least Tern | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Eastern Kingbird | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Blue-headed Vireo | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Black and White Warbler | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Northern Parula | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Yellow Warbler | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Black-throated Blue Warbler (heard) | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Blackburnian Warbler | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Ovenbird (heard) | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Brown Thrasher | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Hermit Thrush | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Baltimore Oriole | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Scarlet Tanager (female) | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (female) | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Eastern Towhee | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Chipping Sparrow | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
American Restart | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Merlin | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Tricolored Heron | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Little Blue Heron | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Yellow-crowned Night Heron | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Black-crowned Night Heron | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
White-crowned Sparrow | May 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Swainson's Thrush | May 10th 1999 [*] | Central Park |
Canada Warbler | May 10th 1999 [*] | Central Park |
Blackpoll Warbler | May 10th 1999 [*] | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 10th 1999 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | May 10th 1999 | Central Park |
American Redstart | May 10th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | May 10th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | May 10th 1999 | Central Park |
House Wren | May 10th 1999 | Central Park |
Wilson's Warbler | May 10th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Waterthrush | May 10th 1999 | Central Park |
Black and White Warbler | May 10th 1999 | Central Park |
Nashville Warbler | May 10th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow Warbler | May 10th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 10th 1999 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | May 10th 1999 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | May 10th 1999 | Central Park |
Spotted Sandpiper | May 10th 1999 | Central Park |
Baltimore Oriole | May 10th 1999 | Central Park |
Bay-breasted Warbler | May 10th 1999 [*] | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | May 10th 1999 | Central Park |
Indigo Bunting | May 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Swainson's Thrush | May 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Canada Warbler | May 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Blackpoll Warbler | May 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 11th 1999 | Central Park |
American Redstart | May 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | May 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | May 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Black and White Warbler | May 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | May 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | May 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Baltimore Oriole | May 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Warbling Vireo | May 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-billed Cuckoo | May 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Swainson's Thrush | May 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Ovenbird | May 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Canada Warbler | May 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Blackpoll Warbler | May 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 12th 1999 | Central Park |
American Redstart | May 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | May 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | May 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Black and White Warbler | May 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | May 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | May 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Baltimore Oriole | May 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Bay-breasted Warbler | May 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Spotted Sandpiper | May 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Great-crested Flycatcher | May 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Wilson's Warbler | May 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Black Skimmer | May 13th 1999 [*] | Brigantine |
White-rumped Sandpiper | May 13th 1999 [*] | Brigantine |
Least Sandpiper | May 13th 1999 | Brigantine |
Western Sandpiper | May 13th 1999 | Brigantine |
Semipalmated Sandpiper | May 13th 1999 | Brigantine |
Solitary Sandpiper | May 13th 1999 | Brigantine |
Gull-billed Tern | May 13th 1999 | Brigantine |
Virginia Rail | May 13th 1999 | South Cape May Meadows |
Marsh Wren | May 13th 1999 | South Cape May Meadows |
White-eyed Vireo | May 14th 1999 | Higbee Beach |
Blue Grosbeak | May 14th 1999 [*] | Higbee Beach |
Indigo Bunting | May 14th 1999 | Higbee Beach |
Northern Parula | May 14th 1999 | Cape May Bird Observatory |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | May 14th 1999 | Cape May Bird Observatory |
Orchard Oriole | May 14th 1999 | Cape May Bird Observatory |
Great-crested Flycatcher | May 14th 1999 | Cape May Bird Observatory |
Bobolink | May 14th 1999 [*] | Higbee Beach |
Eastern Bluebird | May 14th 1999 | Higbee Beach |
Whimbrel | May 14th 1999 | Brigantine |
Blackpoll Warbler | May 15th 1999 | Central Park |
Wilson's Warbler | May 15th 1999 | Central Park |
Canada Warbler | May 15th 1999 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | May 15th 1999 | Central Park |
Worm-eating Warbler | May 15th 1999 | Central Park |
Blackburnian Warbler | May 15th 1999 | Central Park |
Warbling Vireo | May 15th 1999 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | May 15th 1999 | Central Park |
Blue-headed Vireo | May 15th 1999 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager (female) | May 15th 1999 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | May 15th 1999 | Central Park |
Blackpoll Warbler | May 16th 1999 | Central Park |
Wilson's Warbler | May 16th 1999 | Central Park |
Canada Warbler | May 16th 1999 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | May 16th 1999 | Central Park |
Bay-breasted Warbler | May 16th 1999 | Central Park |
Blue-winged Warbler | May 16th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Waterthrush | May 16th 1999 | Central Park |
Ovenbird | May 16th 1999 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | May 16th 1999 | Central Park |
Blue-headed Vireo | May 16th 1999 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager | May 16th 1999 | Central Park |
Swainson's Thrush | May 16th 1999 | Central Park |
Olive-sided Flycatcher | May 18th 1999 [*] | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | May 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager | May 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Baltimore Oriole | May 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | May 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Wilson's Warbler | May 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | May 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | May 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Waterthrush | May 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Ovenbird | May 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Baltimore Oriole | May 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | May 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Wilson's Warbler | May 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | May 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | May 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Ovenbird | May 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-and-white Warbler | May 21st 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | May 21st 1999 | Central Park |
Wilson's Warbler | May 21st 1999 | Central Park |
Canada Warbler | May 21st 1999 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | May 21st 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | May 21st 1999 | Central Park |
Blackburnian Warbler | May 21st 1999 | Central Park |
Nashville Warbler | May 21st 1999 | Central Park |
Blackpoll Warbler | May 21st 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | May 21st 1999 | Central Park |
Ovenbird | May 21st 1999 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | May 21st 1999 | Central Park |
Blue-headed Vireo | May 21st 1999 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | May 21st 1999 | Central Park |
Swainson's Thrush | May 21st 1999 | Central Park |
Black Vulture | May 22nd 1999 | Hidden Valley, Cape May |
Red-shouldered Hawk | May 22nd 1999 | Hidden Valley, Cape May |
Indigo Bunting | May 22nd 1999 | Hidden Valley, Cape May |
Common Moorhen | May 22nd 1999 | SCMM, Cape May |
American Coot | May 22nd 1999 | SCMM, Cape May |
Least Tern | May 22nd 1999 | SCMM, Cape May |
Piping Plover | May 22nd 1999 | SCMM, Cape May |
Marsh Wren | May 22nd 1999 | SCMM, Cape May |
Least Bittern | May 22nd 1999 [*] | SCMM, Cape May |
Seaside Sparrow | May 22nd 1999 [*] | Jake's Landing, Cape May |
Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow | May 22nd 1999 [*] | Jake's Landing, Cape May |
Black Skimmer | May 22nd 1999 | Jake's Landing, Cape May |
Pine Warbler | May 23nd 1999 | Belleplain State Forest, NJ |
Summer Tanager | May 23nd 1999 [*] | Belleplain State Forest, NJ |
Eastern Wood Peewee | May 23nd 1999 [*] | Belleplain State Forest, NJ |
Prothonotary Warbler | May 23nd 1999 [*] | Belleplain State Forest, NJ |
Hooded Warbler | May 23nd 1999 | Belleplain State Forest, NJ |
White-eyed Vireo | May 23nd 1999 | Belleplain State Forest, NJ |
Eastern Towhee | May 23nd 1999 | Belleplain State Forest, NJ |
Blue-grey Gnatcatcher | May 23nd 1999 | Belleplain State Forest, NJ |
Red-eyed Vireo | May 23nd 1999 | Belleplain State Forest, NJ |
Great-crested Flycatcher | May 23nd 1999 | Belleplain State Forest, NJ |
Whimbrel | May 23rd 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Eastern Wood Pewee | May 25rd 1999 | Central Park |
Osprey | May 29th 1999 | Central Park |
Great-crested Flycatcher | May 29th 1999 | Central Park |
Canada Warbler | May 29th 1999 | Central Park |
Swainson's Thrush | May 29th 1999 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | May 29th 1999 | Central Park |
White-rumped Sandpiper | May 30th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
White-eyed Vireo | May 30th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
House Wren | May 30th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Eastern Towhee | May 30th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Yellow-crowned Night Heron | May 30th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Black-crowned Night Heron | May 30th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Yellow-crowned Night Heron | July 17th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Black-crowned Night Heron | July 17th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Tricolored, Great Blue Heron | July 17th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Great, Snowy Egrets | July 17th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Glossy Ibis | July 17th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
American Oystercatcher | July 17th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
American Woodcock | July 17th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Northern Harrier | July 17th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Short-billed Dowitcher | July 17th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Least, Semipalmated Sandpiper | July 17th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Semipalmated Plover | July 17th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Greater, Lesser Yellowlegs | July 17th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Snow Goose (1) | July 17th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Willow Flycatcher (+ young) | July 17th 1999 [*] | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Marsh Wren | July 17th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Forsters, Common Terns | July 17th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Gull-billed, Least Terns | July 17th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Yellow-crowned Night Heron | July 24th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Black-crowned Night Heron | July 24th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Tricolored, Great Blue Heron | July 24th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Great, Snowy Egrets | July 24th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Green Heron | July 24th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Glossy Ibis | July 24th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
American Oystercatcher | July 24th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Northern Harrier | July 24th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Short-billed Dowitcher | July 24th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Least, Semipalmated Sandpiper | July 24th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Semipalmated Plover | July 24th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Greater, Lesser Yellowlegs | July 24th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
American Avocet (1 or 2) | July 24th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Snow Goose (1) | July 24th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Marsh Wren (heard) | July 24th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Forsters, Common, Least Terns | July 24th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Northern Waterthrush | July 24th 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
American Woodcock | August 1st 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Yellow & Black-crowned Night Heron | August 1st 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Tricolored, Great Blue Heron | August 1st 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Great, Snowy Egrets | August 1st 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Glossy Ibis | August 1st 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
American Oystercatcher | August 1st 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Northern Harrier | August 1st 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Short-billed Dowitcher | August 1st 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Stilt Sandpiper | August 1st 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Least, Semipalmated Sandpiper | August 1st 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Semipalmated Plover | August 1st 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Greater, Lesser Yellowlegs | August 1st 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Snow Goose (2) | August 1st 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Marsh Wren (heard) | August 1st 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Forsters, Common, Least Terns | August 1st 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Northern Waterthrush | August 1st 1999 | Jamaica Bay NWR |
Peregrine Falcon | August 8th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Cooper's Hawk (imm) | August 8th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Northern Harrier | August 8th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Least, Semipalmated Sandpiper | August 8th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
White-rumped Sandpiper | August 8th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Pectoral Sandpiper | August 8th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Solitary Sandpiper | August 8th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Stilt Sandpiper | August 8th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Semipalmated Plover | August 8th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Common Snipe | August 8th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Greater, Lesser Yellowlegs | August 8th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Willet | August 8th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Whimbrel | August 8th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Marbled Godwit | August 8th 1999 [*] | Brigantine NWR |
Chimney Swift | Sept 4th 1999 | Central Park |
Great-crested Flycatcher | Sept 4th 1999 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | Sept 4th 1999 | Central Park |
Black and White Warbler | Sept 4th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Sept 4th 1999 | Central Park |
poss. Yellow Warbler | Sept 4th 1999 | Central Park |
poss. Canada Warbler | Sept 4th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept 4th 1999 | Central Park |
Red-breasted Nuthatch | Sept 4th 1999 | Central Park |
Ovenbird | Sept 4th 1999 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Sept 4th 1999 | Central Park |
Swainson's Thrush | Sept 4th 1999 | Central Park |
Veery | Sept 4th 1999 | Central Park |
Sharp-shinned Hawk | Sept 4th 1999 | Central Park |
Am. Kestrel | Sept 4th 1999 | Central Park |
Red-tailed Hawk | Sept 4th 1999 | Central Park |
Wood Duck | Sept 4th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Waterthrush sp. | Sept 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Sept 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Swainson's Thrush | Sept 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Veery | Sept 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Wood Duck | Sept 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Chimney Swift | Sept 10th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Sept 10th 1999 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | Sept 10th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept 10th 1999 | Central Park |
Blackpoll Warbler | Sept 10th 1999 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept 10th 1999 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager (female) | Sept 10th 1999 | Central Park |
Tufted Titmouse | Sept 10th 1999 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Sept 10th 1999 | Central Park |
Veery | Sept 10th 1999 | Central Park |
Wood Duck | Sept 10th 1999 | Central Park |
Belted Kingfisher | Sept 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Solitary Sandpiper | Sept 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Sept 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | Sept 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Sept 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | Sept 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Bay-breasted Warbler | Sept 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | Sept 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Nashville Warbler | Sept 11th 1999 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Sept 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Tufted Titmouse | Sept 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Sept 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Sept 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Swainson's Thrush | Sept 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Osprey | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Sharp-shinned Hawk | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Pintail | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Wood Duck | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Belted Kingfisher | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Black and White Warbler | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Bay-breasted Warbler | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Nashville Warbler | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Prairie Warbler | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Palm Warbler | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
poss. Blackburnian Warbler | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Great-crested Flycatcher | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Eastern Phoebe | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Tufted Titmouse | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Red-breasted Nuthatch | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-billed Cuckoo | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Swainson's Thrush | Sept 12th 1999 | Central Park |
Peregrine Falcon | Sept 12th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Sharp-shinned Hawk | Sept 12th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Osprey | Sept 12th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Blue-winged Teal | Sept 12th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Green-winged Teal | Sept 12th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Black Duck | Sept 12th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Little Blue Heron | Sept 12th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Semipalmated & Least Sandpiper | Sept 12th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Willet | Sept 12th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Black-bellied Plover | Sept 12th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Caspian Tern | Sept 12th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Forster's Tern | Sept 12th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Boat-tailed Grackle | Sept 12th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Palm Warbler | Sept 12th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Tree Swallow | Sept 12th 1999 | Brigantine NWR |
Sharp-shinned Hawk | Sept 14th 1999 | Central Park |
Am. Kestrel | Sept 14th 1999 | Central Park |
Hooded Merganser | Sept 14th 1999 | Central Park |
Belted Kingfisher | Sept 14th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Sept 14th 1999 | Central Park |
Common Yellowthroat | Sept 14th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept 14th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Sept 14th 1999 | Central Park |
Black and White Warbler | Sept 14th 1999 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | Sept 14th 1999 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | Sept 14th 1999 | Central Park |
Nashville Warbler (2+) | Sept 14th 1999 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept 14th 1999 | Central Park |
Prairie Warbler | Sept 14th 1999 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager | Sept 14th 1999 | Central Park |
Tufted Titmouse | Sept 14th 1999 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Sept 14th 1999 | Central Park |
Swainson's Thrush | Sept 14th 1999 | Central Park |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird | Sept 14th 1999 | Central Park |
Sharp-shinned Hawk | Sept 17th 1999 | Central Park |
Hooded Merganser | Sept 17th 1999 | Central Park |
Belted Kingfisher | Sept 17th 1999 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept 17th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow Warbler | Sept 17th 1999 | Central Park |
Veery | Sept 17th 1999 | Central Park |
Ovenbird | Sept 17th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Oriole | Sept 17th 1999 | Central Park |
Bald Eagle | Sept 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Broad-winged Hawk | Sept 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Sharp-shinned Hawk | Sept 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Am. Kestrel | Sept 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Osprey | Sept 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Hooded Merganser | Sept 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Pintail | Sept 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Belted Kingfisher | Sept 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Sept 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Cape May Warbler | Sept 18th 1999 [*] | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Sept 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Black and White Warbler | Sept 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | Sept 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | Sept 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Palm Warbler | Sept 18th 1999 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Sept 18th 1999 | Central Park |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Sept 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Eastern Wood-Pewee | Sept 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird | Sept 18th 1999 | Central Park |
Broad-winged Hawk | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
Osprey | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
Hooded Merganser | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
Pintail | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
Belted Kingfisher | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
Cape May Warbler | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
Tennessee Warbler | Sept 19th 1999 [*] | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
Black and White Warbler | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
Eastern Wood-Pewee | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
Eastern Phoebe | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
Lincoln's Sparrow | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
White-throated Sparrow | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
Carolina Wren | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
House Wren | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
Winter Wren | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
Brown Thrasher | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
Swainson's Thrush | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
Veery | Sept 19th 1999 | Central Park |
Am. Kestrel | Sept 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Hooded Merganser | Sept 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Pintail | Sept 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Wood Duck | Sept 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Sept 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Cape May Warbler | Sept 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Sept 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Black and White Warbler | Sept 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | Sept 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Wilson's Warbler | Sept 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | Sept 20th 1999 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Blue-headed Vireo | Sept 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | Sept 20th 1999 | Central Park |
House Wren | Sept 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Sept 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Eastern Wood-Pewee | Sept 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Sept 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Brown Thrasher | Sept 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Swainson's Thrush | Sept 20th 1999 | Central Park |
Sharp-shinned Hawk | Sept 22nd 1999 | Central Park |
Hooded Merganser | Sept 22nd 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Sept 22nd 1999 | Central Park |
Cape May Warbler | Sept 22nd 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept 22nd 1999 | Central Park |
Black and White Warbler | Sept 22nd 1999 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | Sept 22nd 1999 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept 22nd 1999 | Central Park |
Great-crested Flycatcher | Sept 22nd 1999 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Sept 22nd 1999 | Central Park |
Eastern Wood-Pewee | Sept 22nd 1999 | Central Park |
Swainson's Thrush | Sept 22nd 1999 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager | Sept 22nd 1999 | Central Park |
Am. Kestrel | Sept 23rd 1999 | Central Park |
Sharp-shinned Hawk | Sept 23rd 1999 | Central Park |
Black-crowned Night Heron | Sept 23rd 1999 | Central Park |
Sora | Sept 23rd 1999 [*] | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Sept 23rd 1999 | Central Park |
Cape May Warbler | Sept 23rd 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept 23rd 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Sept 23rd 1999 | Central Park |
Black and White Warbler | Sept 23rd 1999 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | Sept 23rd 1999 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept 23rd 1999 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager | Sept 23rd 1999 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Sept 23rd 1999 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Sept 23rd 1999 | Central Park |
Golden-crowned Kinglet | Sept 23rd 1999 | Central Park |
Brown Thrasher | Sept 23rd 1999 | Central Park |
Swainson's Thrush | Sept 23rd 1999 | Central Park |
Bald Eagle (2) | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
Am. Kestrel | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
Merlin | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
Sharp-shinned Hawk | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
Cooper's Hawk | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
Green Heron | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
Sora | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Waterthrush | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
Cape May Warbler | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
Black and White Warbler | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
Blackpoll Warbler | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager | Sept 24th 1999 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
Golden-crowned Kinglet | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
Brown Thrasher | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
Swainson's Thrush | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
Wood Thrush | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
Song Sparrow | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
White-throated Sparrow | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
Common Nighthawk | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
White-bellied Nuthatch | Sept 25th 1999 | Central Park |
Green Heron | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Red-tailed Hawk | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Broad-winged Hawk | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Cooper's Hawk | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Sharp-shinned Hawk | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Sora | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Chimney Swift | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Rough-winged Swallow | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Eastern Phoebe | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Blue-headed Vireo | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Black and White Warbler | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Nashville Warbler | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Cape May Warbler | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Pine Warbler | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Blackpoll Warbler | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Waterthrush | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Hooded Warbler | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Winter Wren | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Golden-crowned Kinglet | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Brown Thrasher | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Veery | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Gray-cheeked Thrush | Sept 26th 1999 [*] | Central Park |
Swainson's Thrush | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Red-winged Blackbird | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Purple Finch | Sept 26th 1999 [*] | Central Park |
House Finch | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Dark-eyed Junco | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
White-throated Sparrow | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Song Sparrow | Sept 26th 1999 | Central Park |
Chimney Swift | Sept 28th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Sept 28th 1999 | Central Park |
Red-eyed Vireo | Sept 28th 1999 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Sept 28th 1999 | Central Park |
Nashville Warbler | Sept 28th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Sept 28th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Sept 28th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Sept 28th 1999 | Central Park |
Blackpoll Warbler | Sept 28th 1999 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Sept 28th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Sept 28th 1999 | Central Park |
Brown Thrasher | Sept 28th 1999 | Central Park |
Swainson's Thrush | Sept 28th 1999 | Central Park |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Sept 28th 1999 | Central Park |
Red-winged Blackbird | Sept 28th 1999 | Central Park |
Scarlet Tanager | Sept 28th 1999 | Central Park |
Least Flycatcher | Sept 28th 1999 | Central Park |
Chimney Swift | Oct 1st 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Oct 1st 1999 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Oct 1st 1999 | Central Park |
Wilson's Warbler | Oct 1st 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Parula | Oct 1st 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Oct 1st 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Oct 1st 1999 | Central Park |
Blackpoll Warbler | Oct 1st 1999 | Central Park |
Bay-breasted Warbler | Oct 1st 1999 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Oct 1st 1999 | Central Park |
Golden-crowned Kinglet | Oct 1st 1999 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Oct 1st 1999 | Central Park |
Brown Thrasher | Oct 1st 1999 | Central Park |
Swainson's Thrush | Oct 1st 1999 | Central Park |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Oct 1st 1999 | Central Park |
Red-winged Blackbird | Oct 1st 1999 | Central Park |
Greater, Lesser Yellowlegs | Oct 2nd 1999 | Brigantine |
Semipalmated Sandpiper | Oct 2nd 1999 | Brigantine |
Dunlin | Oct 2nd 1999 | Brigantine |
American Golden Plover | Oct 2nd 1999 | Brigantine |
Snow Goose | Oct 2nd 1999 | Brigantine |
Brant Goose | Oct 2nd 1999 | Brigantine |
Peregrine | Oct 2nd 1999 | Brigantine |
Merlin | Oct 2nd 1999 | Brigantine |
Northern Harrier | Oct 2nd 1999 | Brigantine |
Osprey | Oct 2nd 1999 | Brigantine |
Carolina Chickadee | Oct 2nd 1999 | Brigantine |
Palm Warbler | Oct 2nd 1999 | Brigantine |
Boat-tailed Grackle | Oct 2nd 1999 | Brigantine |
Caspian, Forsters Terns | Oct 2nd 1999 | Brigantine |
Little Blue Heron | Oct 2nd 1999 | Brigantine |
Yellow-crowned Night Heron | Oct 2nd 1999 | Brigantine |
Eastern Phoebe | Oct 2nd 1999 | Brigantine |
Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow | Oct 2nd 1999 | Brigantine |
Seaside Sparrow | Oct 2nd 1999 | Brigantine |
Peregrine | Oct 2nd 1999 | Cape May Hawk Watch |
Merlin | Oct 2nd 1999 | Cape May Hawk Watch |
Kestrel | Oct 2nd 1999 | Cape May Hawk Watch |
Sharp-shinned Hawk | Oct 2nd 1999 | Cape May Hawk Watch |
Blue-headed Vireo | Oct 3rd 1999 | Cape May Higbee Beach |
Red-eyed Vireo | Oct 3rd 1999 | Cape May Higbee Beach |
Palm Warbler | Oct 3rd 1999 | Cape May Higbee Beach |
Yellow Warbler | Oct 3rd 1999 | Cape May Higbee Beach |
Common Yellowthroat | Oct 3rd 1999 | Cape May Higbee Beach |
Northern Parula | Oct 3rd 1999 | Cape May Higbee Beach |
Black-and-White Warbler | Oct 3rd 1999 | Cape May Higbee Beach |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Oct 3rd 1999 | Cape May Higbee Beach |
American Redstart | Oct 3rd 1999 | Cape May Higbee Beach |
Red-breasted Nuthatch | Oct 3rd 1999 | Cape May Higbee Beach |
Willow/Alder Flycatcher | Oct 3rd 1999 | Cape May Higbee Beach |
Indigo Bunting | Oct 3rd 1999 | Cape May Higbee Beach |
Peregrine | Oct 3rd 1999 | Cape May Higbee Beach |
Merlin | Oct 3rd 1999 | Cape May Higbee Beach |
Sharp-shinned, Coopers Hawk | Oct 3rd 1999 | Cape May Higbee Beach |
Chimney Swift | Oct 3rd 1999 | Cape May Hawk Watch |
Peregrine | Oct 3rd 1999 | Cape May Hawk Watch |
Merlin | Oct 3rd 1999 | Cape May Hawk Watch |
Sharp-shinned, Coopers Hawk | Oct 3rd 1999 | Cape May Hawk Watch |
Northern Harrier | Oct 3rd 1999 | Cape May Hawk Watch |
Osprey | Oct 3rd 1999 | Cape May Hawk Watch |
Royal Tern | Oct 3rd 1999 | Cape May SCCM |
Pectoral Sandpiper (imm) | Oct 3rd 1999 | Cape May SCCM |
Shoveler | Oct 3rd 1999 | Cape May SCCM |
American Redstart | Oct 5th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Oct 5th 1999 | Central Park |
Blackpoll Warbler | Oct 5th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Oct 5th 1999 | Central Park |
Blue-headed Vireo | Oct 5th 1999 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Oct 5th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Oct 5th 1999 | Central Park |
Tufted Titmouse | Oct 5th 1999 | Central Park |
Brown Thrasher | Oct 5th 1999 | Central Park |
Eastern Towhee | Oct 5th 1999 | Central Park |
Brown Creeper | Oct 5th 1999 | Central Park |
Swainson's Thrush | Oct 5th 1999 | Central Park |
Winter Wren | Oct 5th 1999 | Central Park |
Peregrine Falcon | Oct 5th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Harrier | Oct 5th 1999 | Central Park |
Wood Duck | Oct 5th 1999 | Central Park |
Belted Kingfisher | Oct 5th 1999 | Central Park |
Swamp Sparrow | Oct 5th 1999 | Central Park |
Green-winged Teal (male) | Oct 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Tree Swallow | Oct 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Wood Duck | Oct 6th 1999 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Oct 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Oct 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Oct 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Blackpoll Warbler | Oct 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Oct 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Magnolia Warbler | Oct 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Nashville Warbler | Oct 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Tennessee Warbler | Oct 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Blue-headed Vireo | Oct 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Oct 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Golden-crowned Kinglet | Oct 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-capped Chickadee | Oct 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Tufted Titmouse | Oct 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Swainson's Thrush | Oct 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Winter Wren | Oct 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Harrier (male) | Oct 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Sharp-shinned Hawk (imm) | Oct 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Cooper's Hawk (imm) | Oct 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Song Sparrow | Oct 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Great & Snowy Egrets | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Tricolored Heron | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Great Blue Heron | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Black-crowned Night Heron | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Snow Goose | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Brant Goose | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Black Duck, Mallard | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Pintail | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
American Wigeon | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Eurasian Wigeon | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Red-breasted Merganser (fem/imm) | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Blue and Green-winged Teal | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Lesser & Greater Yellowlegs | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Marbled Godwit | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Short-billed Dowitcher (imm) | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Dunlin | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Pectoral Sandpiper | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Stilt Sandpiper | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Black-bellied Plover | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Golden-crowned Kinglet | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Palm Warbler | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Tree Swallow | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Northern Harrier (imm) | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Peregrine | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Merlin | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Kestrel | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Sharp-shinned Hawk (imm) | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Song Sparrow | Oct 9th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Wood Duck | Oct 11th 1999 | Central Park |
American Redstart | Oct 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Oct 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Oct 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Oct 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Golden-crowned Kinglet | Oct 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Slate-colored Junco | Oct 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Chipping Sparrow | Oct 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Field Sparrow | Oct 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Swamp Sparrow | Oct 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Song Sparrow | Oct 11th 1999 | Central Park |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Oct 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Swainson's Thrush | Oct 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Hermit Thrush | Oct 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Grey-cheeked Thrush | Oct 11th 1999 | Central Park |
Blackpoll Warbler | Oct 13th 1999 | Central Park |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Oct 13th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Oct 13th 1999 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Oct 13th 1999 | Central Park |
Golden-crowned Kinglet | Oct 13th 1999 | Central Park |
Slate-colored Junco | Oct 13th 1999 | Central Park |
Chipping Sparrow | Oct 13th 1999 | Central Park |
Lincoln's Sparrow | Oct 13th 1999 | Central Park |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Oct 13th 1999 | Central Park |
Hermit Thrush | Oct 13th 1999 | Central Park |
Blackpoll Warbler | Oct 15th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Oct 15th 1999 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Oct 15th 1999 | Central Park |
Golden-crowned Kinglet | Oct 15th 1999 | Central Park |
Slate-colored Junco | Oct 15th 1999 | Central Park |
Chipping Sparrow | Oct 15th 1999 | Central Park |
Purple Finch (several) | Oct 15th 1999 | Central Park |
White-crowned Sparrow | Oct 15th 1999 | Central Park |
White-throated Sparrow | Oct 15th 1999 | Central Park |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Oct 15th 1999 | Central Park |
Red-breasted Nuthatch | Oct 15th 1999 | Central Park |
Hermit Thrush | Oct 15th 1999 | Central Park |
Brown Creeper | Oct 15th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Oct 15th 1999 | Central Park |
Downy Woodpecker | Oct 15th 1999 | Central Park |
Wood Duck | Oct 15th 1999 | Central Park |
Lesser, Gtr Yellowlegs | Oct 16th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Long-billed Dowitcher | Oct 16th 1999 [*] | Jamaica Bay |
Dunlin | Oct 16th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Pectoral Sandpiper | Oct 16th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Stilt Sandpiper | Oct 16th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Gadwall | Oct 16th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Mallard, Black Duck | Oct 16th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Green-, Blue-winged Teal | Oct 16th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
American Wigeon | Oct 16th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Lesser, Greater Scaup | Oct 16th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Bufflehead | Oct 16th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Red-breasted Merganser | Oct 16th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Ruddy Duck | Oct 16th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Gt Blue Heron | Oct 16th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Great, Snowy Egret | Oct 16th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Black-crowned Night Heron | Oct 16th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Pied-billed, Horned Grebe | Oct 16th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Downy Woodpercker | Oct 16th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Oct 16th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Swamp, Song Sparrow | Oct 16th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Laughing Gull | Oct 16th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Snow (+4 Blue) Goose | Oct 16th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Brant Goose | Oct 16th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Mute Swan | Oct 16th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Clark's Grebe | Oct 19th 1999 [*] | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Pied-billed Grebe | Oct 19th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Sora | Oct 19th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Snowy Plover | Oct 19th 1999 [*] | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Long-billed Curlew | Oct 19th 1999 [*] | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Whimbrel | Oct 19th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Marbled Godwit | Oct 19th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Ruddy Turnstone | Oct 19th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Black Turnstone | Oct 19th 1999 [*] | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Heerman's Gull | Oct 19th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Western Gull | Oct 19th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Forster's Tern | Oct 19th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Black Phoebe | Oct 19th 1999 [*] | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Marsh Wren | Oct 19th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
California Towhee | Oct 19th 1999 [*] | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
White-crowned Sparrow | Oct 19th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Raven | Oct 20th 1999 | Central Valley, CA |
Western Meadowlark | Oct 20th 1999 [*] | Central Valley, CA |
Horned Lark | Oct 20th 1999 | Central Valley, CA |
Song Sparrow | Oct 20th 1999 | Central Valley, CA |
Sandhill Crane | Oct 20th 1999 | Central Valley, CA |
Brewer's Blackbird | Oct 20th 1999 | Central Valley, CA |
Northern Harrier | Oct 20th 1999 | Central Valley, CA |
Red-tailed Hawk | Oct 20th 1999 | Central Valley, CA |
Tree, Barn Swallows | Oct 20th 1999 | Central Valley, CA |
White Pelican | Oct 20th 1999 | Central Valley, CA |
Lesser Goldfinch | Oct 20th 1999 | Rte 5 rest stop, CA |
Loggerhead Shrike | Oct 20th 1999 | Oxnard marshland area, Rt 1, CA |
White-throated Swift | Oct 20th 1999 [*] | Oxnard marshland area, Rt 1, CA |
California Towhee | Oct 20th 1999 | Oxnard marshland area, Rt 1, CA |
Virginia Rail | Oct 20th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Song Sparrow | Oct 20th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Pacific Loon (imm, chinstrap) | Oct 20th 1999 [*] | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Willet | Oct 20th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Anna's Hummingbird | Oct 21st 1999 [*] | nr UCLA, CA |
Spotted Towhee | Oct 22nd 1999 [*] | Stunt Canyon |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Oct 22nd 1999 | Stunt Canyon |
Red-shouldered Hawk | Oct 22nd 1999 | Stunt Canyon |
Hermit Thrush | Oct 22nd 1999 | Stunt Canyon |
Western (California) Scrub-Jay | Oct 23rd 1999 | Stunt Canyon |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Oct 23rd 1999 | Stunt Canyon |
Nuttall's Woodpecker | Oct 23rd 1999 [*] | Stunt Canyon |
Junco | Oct 23rd 1999 | Stunt Canyon |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Oct 23rd 1999 | Stunt Canyon |
Spotted Towhee | Oct 23rd 1999 | Stunt Canyon |
California Towhee | Oct 23rd 1999 | Stunt Canyon |
Fox Sparrow | Oct 23rd 1999 | Stunt Canyon |
Wrentit | Oct 23rd 1999 [*] | Stunt Canyon |
Bushtit | Oct 23rd 1999 [*] | Stunt Canyon |
Oak Titmouse | Oct 23rd 1999 [*] | Stunt Canyon |
Say's Phoebe | Oct 23rd 1999 [*] | Stunt Canyon |
Heerman's Gull | Oct 23rd 1999 | Cabrillo, San Diego, CA |
Western Gull | Oct 23rd 1999 | Cabrillo, San Diego, CA |
Western Grebe | Oct 23rd 1999 | Cabrillo, San Diego, CA |
White-tailed Kite | Oct 23rd 1999 | Cabrillo, San Diego, CA |
California Towhee | Oct 23rd 1999 | Cabrillo, San Diego, CA |
Bushtit | Oct 23rd 1999 | Cabrillo, San Diego, CA |
Red-winged Blackbird | Oct 23rd 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Great, Cattle Egrets | Oct 23rd 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Loggerhead Shrike | Oct 23rd 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Verdin | Oct 23rd 1999 [*] | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Gambel's Quail | Oct 23rd 1999 [*] | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Least, Western Sandpiper | Oct 23rd 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Black-winged Stilt | Oct 23rd 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
American Avocet | Oct 23rd 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Marbled Godwit | Oct 23rd 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Long-billed Curlew | Oct 23rd 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
White Pelican | Oct 23rd 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Pintail | Oct 23rd 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
N. Shoveler | Oct 23rd 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Cinnamon Teal | Oct 23rd 1999 [*] | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Eared Grebe | Oct 23rd 1999 [USA] | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Caspian Tern | Oct 23rd 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Say's Phoebe | Oct 23rd 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Black Phoebe | Oct 23rd 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Great-tailed Grackle | Oct 23rd 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Abert's Towhee | Oct 23rd 1999 [*] | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Abert's Towhee | Oct 24th 1999 | Imperial NWR, AZ |
Phainopepla | Oct 24th 1999 | Imperial NWR, AZ |
Gila Woodpecker | Oct 24th 1999 | Imperial NWR, AZ |
Verdin | Oct 24th 1999 | Imperial NWR, AZ |
Say's Phoebe | Oct 24th 1999 | Imperial NWR, AZ |
Black Phoebe | Oct 24th 1999 | Imperial NWR, AZ |
Western Meadowlark | Oct 24th 1999 | Imperial NWR, AZ |
Sora | Oct 24th 1999 | Imperial NWR, AZ |
Western Grebe | Oct 24th 1999 | Imperial NWR, AZ |
Great Egret | Oct 24th 1999 | Imperial NWR, AZ |
Gt. Blue Heron | Oct 24th 1999 | Imperial NWR, AZ |
Pintail, Cinnamon Teal, Gadwall | Oct 24th 1999 | Imperial NWR, AZ |
Black Phoebe | Oct 24th 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Say's Phoebe | Oct 24th 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | Oct 24th 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Long-billed Curlew | Oct 24th 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Marbled Godwit | Oct 24th 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Scaup sp. | Oct 24th 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
White-faced Ibis | Oct 24th 1999 [*] | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
American Avocet | Oct 24th 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Black-winged Stilt | Oct 24th 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
White Pelican | Oct 24th 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Eared Grebe | Oct 24th 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Western Sandpiper | Oct 24th 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Northern Harrier | Oct 24th 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Horned Lark | Oct 24th 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Verdin | Oct 24th 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Western Meadowlark | Oct 24th 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Bonaparte's Gull | Oct 24th 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Snow Goose | Oct 24th 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Forster's Tern | Oct 24th 1999 | Salton Sea NWR, CA |
Western Meadowlark | Oct 25th 1999 | Central Valley, CA |
Say's Phoebe | Oct 25th 1999 | Central Valley, CA |
Black Phoebe | Oct 25th 1999 | Central Valley, CA |
Northern Harrier | Oct 25th 1999 | Central Valley, CA |
Acorn Woodpecker | Oct 25th 1999 [*] | Hills nr. San Luis Obispo, CA |
Yellow-billed Magpie | Oct 25th 1999 [*] | Hills nr. San Luis Obispo, CA |
Purple Finch | Oct 25th 1999 | Hills nr. San Luis Obispo, CA |
Western (California) Scrub-Jay | Oct 25th 1999 | Hills nr. San Luis Obispo, CA |
Raven | Oct 25th 1999 | Hills nr. San Luis Obispo, CA |
Western Bluebird | Oct 25th 1999 | Hills nr. San Luis Obispo, CA |
Lesser Goldfinch | Oct 25th 1999 | Hills nr. San Luis Obispo, CA |
California Quail | Oct 25th 1999 | Hills nr. San Luis Obispo, CA |
Heerman's, Western, Calif Gull | Oct 25th 1999 | Morro Bay, CA |
Brown Pelican | Oct 25th 1999 | Morro Bay, CA |
Marbled Godwit, Long-b Curlew | Oct 25th 1999 | Morro Bay, CA |
Brandt's Cormorant | Oct 25th 1999 | Morro Bay, CA |
Pelagic Cormorant | Oct 25th 1999 [*] | Morro Bay, CA |
D-Crested Cormorant | Oct 25th 1999 | Morro Bay, CA |
Canyon Wren | Oct 25th 1999 | Morro Bay, CA |
Common Loon | Oct 25th 1999 | Morro Bay, CA |
Red-breasted Merganser | Oct 25th 1999 | Morro Bay, CA |
Say's Phoebe | Oct 25th 1999 | Morro Bay, CA |
Black Phoebe | Oct 25th 1999 | Morro Bay, CA |
Say's Phoebe | Oct 25th 1999 | Los Osos, CA |
California Towhee | Oct 25th 1999 | Los Osos, CA |
Brandt's Cormorant | Oct 25th 1999 | Los Osos, CA |
Pelagic Cormorant | Oct 25th 1999 | Los Osos, CA |
D-Crested Cormorant | Oct 25th 1999 | Los Osos, CA |
Townsend's Warbler | Oct 25th 1999 [*] | Los Osos, CA |
Chestnut Backed Chickadee | Oct 25th 1999 [*] | Los Osos, CA |
Chipping Sparrow | Oct 25th 1999 | Los Osos, CA |
Hermit Thrush | Oct 25th 1999 | Los Osos, CA |
California Quail | Oct 25th 1999 | Los Osos, CA |
Bufflehead | Oct 25th 1999 | Los Osos, CA |
Eared Grebe | Oct 25th 1999 | Los Osos, CA |
Willet | Oct 25th 1999 | Los Osos, CA |
Bufflehead | Oct 25th 1999 | Los Osos, CA |
Common Yellowthroat | Oct 25th 1999 | Los Osos, CA |
Oak Titmouse | Oct 25th 1999 | Los Carneros Lake, CA |
Bushtit | Oct 25th 1999 | Los Carneros Lake, CA |
Orange-crowned Warbler | Oct 25th 1999 [*] | Los Carneros Lake, CA |
Western Tanager (male) | Oct 25th 1999 | Los Carneros Lake, CA |
Nuttall's Woodpecker | Oct 25th 1999 | Los Carneros Lake, CA |
Western/Clark's Grebe | Oct 25th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Pied-billed Grebe | Oct 25th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Snowy Plover | Oct 25th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Whimbrel | Oct 25th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Marbled Godwit | Oct 25th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Ruddy Turnstone | Oct 25th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Black Turnstone | Oct 25th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Heerman's Gull | Oct 25th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Western Gull | Oct 25th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Black Phoebe | Oct 25th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Marsh Wren | Oct 25th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
California Towhee | Oct 25th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Spotted Towhee | Oct 25th 1999 | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Bewick's Wren | Oct 25th 1999 [*] | Malibu Lagoon State Park, CA |
Dark-eyed Junco | Oct 30th 1999 | Central Park |
Red-shouldered Hawk | Oct 30th 1999 | Central Park |
Red-tailed Hawk | Oct 30th 1999 | Central Park |
Sharp-shinned Hawk | Oct 30th 1999 | Central Park |
Cedar Waxwing | Oct 30th 1999 | Central Park |
Wood Thrush | Oct 30th 1999 | Central Park |
Northern Gannet | Oct 31st 1999 | Jones Beach |
Great Blue Heron | Nov 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Black Duck, Green-winged Teal | Nov 6th 1999 | Central Park |
N. Shoveler | Nov 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Wood Duck | Nov 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Lesser Scaup | Nov 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Bufflehead | Nov 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Hooded Merganser | Nov 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Cooper's, Red-tailed Hawk | Nov 6th 1999 | Central Park |
American Coot | Nov 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Nov 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Palm Warbler | Nov 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Golden-crowned Kinglet | Nov 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Nov 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Hermit Thrush | Nov 6th 1999 | Central Park |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Nov 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Brown Creeper | Nov 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Swamp, Fox, Chipping Sparrow | Nov 6th 1999 | Central Park |
Sanderling | Nov 7th 1999 | Jones Beach |
Loon sp. | Nov 7th 1999 | Jones Beach |
Snow Bunting | Nov 7th 1999 | Jones Beach |
Merlin | Nov 7th 1999 | Jones Beach |
American Pipit | Nov 7th 1999 [*] | Jones Beach |
Gannet | Nov 7th 1999 | Jones Beach |
Eastern Meadowlark | Nov 7th 1999 | Jones Beach |
Dunlin, Sanderling | Nov 13th 1999 | Jones Beach |
Black-bellied Plover | Nov 13th 1999 | Jones Beach |
Red-throated Loon | Nov 13th 1999 | Jones Beach |
Red Crossbill | Nov 13th 1999 | Jones Beach |
Sharp-shinned, Coopers Hawk | Nov 13th 1999 | Jones Beach |
Red-tailed Hawk, N. Harrier | Nov 13th 1999 | Jones Beach |
Gannet | Nov 13th 1999 | Jones Beach |
American Goldfinch | Nov 13th 1999 | Jones Beach |
American Tree Sparrow | Nov 13th 1999 | Jones Beach, Jamaica Bay |
Song, White-throated Sparrow | Nov 13th 1999 | Jones Beach |
Snow Bunting | Nov 13th 1999 | Jones Beach |
Gt Egret | Nov 13th 1999 | Jones Beach |
GW Teal, Gadwall, Am Wigeon | Nov 13th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Shoveler, Pintail, Mallard | Nov 13th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Black Duck, Ruddy Duck | Nov 13th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Hooded, Red-br Merganser | Nov 13th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Pied-billed, Horned Grebe | Nov 13th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Snow, Blue, Brant Goose | Nov 13th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Pine Siskin | Nov 13th 1999 [*] | Jamaica Bay |
Red-throated Loon | Nov 14th 1999 | Jones Beach |
White-winged Scoter | Nov 14th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Great Cormorant | Nov 14th 1999 [USA] | Floyd Bennet Field |
Red-throated Loon | Nov 27th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Dunlin | Nov 27th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Iceland Gull (imm) | Nov 27th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Sharp-shinned Hawk | Nov 27th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Peregine (imm) | Nov 27th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
American Goldfinch | Nov 27th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
American Tree Sparrow | Nov 27th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Song, White-throated Sparrow | Nov 27th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Snow Bunting | Nov 27th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Gt Egret | Nov 27th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
GW Teal, Gadwall, Am Wigeon | Nov 27th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
EURASIAN GW Teal | Nov 27th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Shoveler, Pintail, Mallard | Nov 27th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Black Duck, Ruddy Duck | Nov 27th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Hooded, Red-br Merganser | Nov 27th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Pied-billed, Horned Grebe | Nov 27th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Snow, Blue, Brant Goose | Nov 27th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Orange-crowned Warbler | Nov 27th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Palm, Yellow-rumped Warbler | Nov 27th 1999 | Jamaica Bay |
Great Cormorant | Nov 27th 1999 | Floyd Bennet Field |
Gannet | Nov 27th 1999 | Jones Beach |
Merlin, Peregrine | Nov 28th 1999 | Jones Beach |
Gannet | Nov 28th 1999 | Jones Beach |
Am. Goldfinch | Nov 28th 1999 | Jones Beach |
Horned Grebe | Nov 28th 1999 | Brigantine |
Hooded, Red-breasted Merganser | Nov 28th 1999 | Brigantine |
GW Teal, Mallard, Gadwall | Nov 28th 1999 | Brigantine |
Black Duck, Pintail, Shoveler | Nov 28th 1999 | Brigantine |
Brant, Snow, Canada Goose | Nov 28th 1999 | Brigantine |
Northern Harrier | Nov 28th 1999 | Brigantine |
Pine Siskin | Dec 4th 1999 | Central Park |
Common Redpoll | Dec 4th 1999 | Central Park |
Crossbill sp. | Dec 4th 1999 | Jones Beach |
Purple Sandpiper | Dec 4th 1999 | Jones Beach |
Surf, Black/Common Scoter | Dec 11th 1999 | Montauk Point |
White-winged Scoter | Dec 11th 1999 | Montauk Point |
Oldsquaw | Dec 11th 1999 | Montauk Point |
Common, Red-throated Loon | Dec 11th 1999 | Montauk Point |
Gannet | Dec 11th 1999 | Montauk Point |
Common Redpoll | Dec 11th 1999 | Montauk Point |
Eider | Dec 11th 1999 | Montauk Point |
Bonaparte's Gull | Dec 11th 1999 | Montauk Point |
Northern Harrier | Dec 26th 1999 | Bombay Hook |
Bald Eagle | Dec 26th 1999 | Bombay Hook |
Tundra Swan | Dec 26th 1999 | Bombay Hook |
Horned Lark | Dec 26th 1999 | Bombay Hook |
Eastern Meadowlark | Dec 26th 1999 | Bombay Hook |
Eastern Bluebird | Dec 26th 1999 | Bombay Hook |
Savannah Sparrow | Dec 26th 1999 | Bombay Hook |
Snow Goose | Dec 26th 1999 | Bombay Hook |